List of coalition military operations of the Iraq War

This is a list of known Coalition military operations of the Iraq War. As of July 2007, there were over 500 known named operations attributed to the ongoing conflict in Iraq. This is not a complete list, but it continues to grow as more operations occur or are identified.

Operations are initially listed alphabetically. These tables have a sort function built into them allowing the reader to sort by any column in ascending or descending order. If you want to sort, select the icon that looks like a sideways hourglass in the column header of the column you want to sort by.



Though the initial war lasted for only 21 days the coalition soon found themselves fighting insurgent forces more and more often. Additionally, with the increasing use of guerilla tactics, suicide bombings and improvised explosive devices, just walking down the street became extremely dangerous. Upon completion of the initial conflict the coalition troops began counterinsurgency, humanitarian, security and various other types of operations in order to stabilize the country and make it safe for the Iraqi people. From the end of the initial war until the present day, these are the types of operations that coalition troops continue to complete in efforts to eliminate the insurgency and anti-coalition forces.

Surrender of Monafiqeen-e-Khalq
Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Iraqi Freedom 20030319 20100831 Iraq U.S. invasion/war on terror in Iraq. Planned to end with the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops, and succeeded by Operation New Dawn (see 2010 below).
Operation Option North 2003???? 2003???? Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: Objective was to seize the city, the northern oil fields and several military airfields in the area
Operation Bastille 200209?? 200303?? Throughout Iraq Forward Presence: Was the code name for the operation to deploy force elements and prepare for possible combat operations in Iraq
Objective Buford 200303?? 200303?? Bashur, near the city of Security: Set up a perimeter and traffic checkpoints around an airfield, which has a runway 6,700 feet (2,000 m).
Operation Falconer 20030318 200306?? throughout Iraq Contingency: Australian operations during the invasion of Iraq
Operation Antica Babilonia 20030715 20061201 Nasiriyah Contingency: Italian peacekeeping mission in Nasiriyah
Battle of Umm Qasr 20030321 20030325 Umm Qasr Battle: Was the first military confrontation in the Second Iraq War.
Battle of Nasiriyah 20030323 20030329 Nasiriyah Battle: During the fighting 18 Marines and 11 soldiers were killed and about 50 were wounded, while the Iraqi resistance was crushed fairly rapidly thereafter.
Operation Northern Delay 20030326 20030326 Bashur Airfield Security: Forced the Iraqi Army to maintain approximately six divisions in the area to protect its northern flank, providing strategic relief for Coalition Forces advancing on Baghdad
Battle of Baghdad (2003) 20030403 20030412 Baghdad Battle: The invasion of the city commenced three days after Allied forces had secured the Baghdad airport
Battle of Debecka Pass 20030406 20030406 Debecka Pass Battle: To secure a major crossroads near the village of Debecka
Operation Airborne Dragon 2003040 20030407 Bashur Airfield, northern Iraq Contingency: Marked the beginning of the first expeditionary insertion of a U.S. armored force into combat by air.
Operation Planet X 20030515 20030515 A village near Ad Dawr and Al Dur, 11 mi (18 km) north of Tikrit Contingency: American raid to capture Ba'athists
Operation Peninsula Strike 20030609 20030613 Balad Contingency: American raid to capture Ba'athists.
Operation Desert Snowplough 20030612 20070803 Al-Qurna district North of Basra Contingency: Codename for Danish operations under British command.
Operation Desert Scorpion (Iraq 2003) 20030615 20030629 Fallujah, from Kirkuk in the north to Taji in the south Contingency: American raid to capture Ba'athists. (included a number of lesser operations such as Scorpion Sting, Spartan Scorpion and Rifles Scorpion)
Operation Spartan Scorpion 20030615 20030616 Throughout Iraq Contingency: Consisted of nationwide raids designed to remove all remaining Ba'ath Party, non-compliant forces and paramilitary forces
Operation Scorpion Sting 20030616 20030616 the Thawra neighborhood of Baghdad Contingency: Coalition soldiers found and confiscated three pistols, one rifle, two mortar rounds and detained 31 suspected criminals
Operation Sidewinder 20030629 20030707 a city about 20 kilometers east of al Taji Contingency: Raids against suspected Hussein supporters. Was designed in support of Operation Desert Scorpion. It involved the 4th Infantry Division, who were tasked with securing highways.[1]
Operation Iron Bullet 200307?? 200307?? Baghdad Security: Was designed to collect dangerous ordinance and transport it out of the city where it can be safely handled or destroyed
Operation Tyr 200307?? 200307?? Tikrit Security: Destroyed a series of stationary targets without risk of civilian casualties but with high visibility. Was an assault conducted by the 4th Infantry Brigade in Tikrit, primarily as a show of force to deter terrorist and anti-coalition forces. The 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery Regiment destroyed a series of stationary targets without risk of civilian casualties but with high visibility. Troops also destroyed Iraqi tanks using high explosive munitions. No one was reported injured in the operation.
Operation Telic 20030711 Ongoing throughout Iraq Contingency: The codename under which all British operations of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq and after are being conducted
Operation Ivy Serpent 20030712 20030721 a region along Highway 1 between the cities of Bayji, Huwayiah and Samarra Counterinsurgency: Was a preemptive strike focused aggressively on non-compliant forces and former regime leaders who are planning attacks against coalition forces in an attempt to hinder coalition and Iraqi efforts in building a new Iraq. Was an American anti-insurgent sweep in Sallahadin and Diala provinces. It was conducted concurrently with Operation Soda Mountain. The operation was centered on a section of Highway 1 north of Baghdad near the towns of Bayji, Huwayiah, and Samarra. The American action was based on the Fourth Infantry Division whose insignia is ivy. This is a play on the Roman numeral "IV".
Operation Soda Mountain 20030712 20030717 throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: To increase reconnaissance and presence throughout the whole of Iraq to deter, disrupt and rapidly defeat attacks on coalition forces. Was a nationwide sweep by American and Coalition Forces against insurgents and remnants of the former regime conducted from 12–17 June 2003. As a result of this series of almost 150 raids, 62 Ba'athist leaders were captured and a large number of weapons seized. Simultaneously, humanitarian missions such as repairing and rebuilding public buildings were conducted. Conducted roughly concurrently with Operation Ivy Serpent.
Operation Catalyst 20030716 Ongoing throughout Iraq Humanitarian: Australian rehabilitation and reconstruction
Operation White House 20030716 20030716 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Troops of the 101st Airborne Division stormed the residence of Samir Abd Al-Aziz Al-Najim, the central Baath Party chairman for Baghdad
Operation Tapeworm 20030722 20030722 Mosul Security and counterinsurgency: killing of Uday and Qusay Hussein, Saddam Hussein's sons[2]
Operation Ivy Lightning 20030812 20030812 Baghdad, Ain Lalin and Quara Tapa along the Jabal Hamrin Ridge north of the city Counterinsurgency: A number of small weapons stores were uncovered. Was a raid conducted by elements of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. A number of small weapons stores were uncovered. The names of many operations of the 4th Infantry Division took the name "Ivy", a pun on the Roman numeral "IV."
Operation Silverado 20030816 20030816 Subak Sur Counterinsurgency: To capture suspected insurgents and seize weapons stockpiles. Was a small operation conducted by the 39th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Separate/Enhanced) of the Arkansas National Guard in Subak Sur.
Operation Ivy Needle 20030826 20030826 Khalis, in and near; 70 kilometers north of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was a raid conducted by elements of the 4th Infantry Division in and near Khalis, seventy kilometers north of Baghdad, on August 26, 2003. The operation disrupted a criminal gang active in the area.
Operation Longstreet 200309?? 200309?? between Baghdad and Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Numerous weapons stores were destroyed and enemy personnel taken into custody without the loss of a single American life. Was a two-week series of raids and cordon operations conducted by elements of the First Armored Division and the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment. Numerous weapons stores were destroyed and enemy personnel taken into custody without the loss of a single American life. The operation was named after a Confederate General James Longstreet.
Operation Desert Thrust 200310?? 200310?? throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: Was the name given by 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division to their operations in Iraq beginning on their arrival in October 2003
Operation Chamberlain 200310?? 200310?? Sinjar, the border southwest of Security and Surveillance: Was an American border-security operation mentioned in press releases on 15 October 2003. It involved ground surveillance Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) aircraft to feed information to ground elements of the 101st Airborne Division in near–real time. The Ukrainian 5th Detached Mechanized Brigade was also involved in the operation. This operation was named after US general Joshua Chamberlain (US Civil War).
Operation Industrial Sweep 200310?? 200310?? Samarra Counterinsurgency: Was a search of parts of the city of Samarra by elements of the 4th Infantry Division during Post-invasion Iraq.
Operation Tiger Clean Sweep 20031007 20031007 Security and Counterinsurgency: : Was a border security operation conducted by the "Tiger" Squadron of the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment announced on 7 September 2003 near Al Qa'im. The town was cordoned off and searched, yielding a number of small arms and fourteen persons suspected of being insurgents.
Operation Sweeny 20031015 20031015 southern Iraq Law enforcement: Anti-smuggling operation by the Marines. Elements of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable(SOC)completed humanitarian assistance, anti-smuggling and security and stabilization operations, Oct. 25 in southern Iraq as part of Operation Sweeney. The MEU SOC, a component of Expeditionary Strike Group One(ESG), composed mostly of Marines stationed with the 1st Marine Division of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, provided medical and dental capability and produced more than 3,000 US gallons (11,000 L) of water for citizens in the region.
Operation O.K. Corral 20031019 200310?? Ar Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Over ninety people were detained, including four senior officers of the former Iraqi Army. Was a sweep operation conducted by elements of the 82nd Airborne Division in Ar Ramadi beginning on 19 October 2003. Over ninety people were detained, including four senior officers of the former Iraqi Army.
Operation Eagle Curtain 200311?? 200311?? northern Iraq Security and Counterinsurgency: Troops participated in 311 patrols, four cordon and knock operations, and eventually detained eight individuals. Was a series of raids and roadblocks conducted by the 101st Airborne Division. Eight persons were detained as suspected insurgents associated with the former government. The name is derived from the "Screaming Eagles" nickname for the 101st Airborne Division.
Operation All American Tiger 20031106 2003???? Counterinsurgency: Was an operation with an objective of capturing insurgents associated with the old regime. At least a dozen prisoners were taken, several of whom were on the American "Most Wanted" list. The first phase was launched by the 1st Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and the 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. This operation was designed to target those who suspected of attacking Coalition forces. At least 12 men were detained and some were targeted suspects including Abd Hamad Salah, Huri Mukhlif, Al Ani, Ahmed Kadar Hamad, Faleeh Mahessn, Thair Muklaf Hamadi, and Mohamed Hinde Saeel. The name of the operation is derived from the nickname ("All American") for the 82nd Airborne Division. [3]
Operation Rifle Sweep 20031106 20031106 the Iraq-Syria border Counterinsurgency: Focused on the search and seizure of weapons and munitions
Operation Ivy Cyclone 20031107 200311?? Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Was designed to locate and detain or eliminate persons seeking to harm coalition forces or Iraqi civilians. The operation was executed by the 4th Infantry Division. On November 7, an American helicopter was forced down near the city, and the next day heavy air and artillery strikes supported a number of military operations in the area.
Operation Boothill 20031110 20031110 Ar Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Was designed to clear and secure the roads outside the city and to seize any contraband weapons.
Operation Iron Hammer(Matraqa Hadidia) 20031112 2003???? Baghdad Security and Counterinsurgency: Was a joint operation between the US Army, US Air Force and Iraqi Civil Defense Corps with the objective of preventing the staging of weapons by anti-coalition forces, and preemptively destroy enemy operating bases and fighters in Baghdad
Operation Ivy Cyclone II 20031117 2003???? Tikrit, near Counterinsurgency: American operation near Tikrit
Operation Rifles Blitz 20031120 2003???? Al Qaim Security: Was a house-to-house search of the Iraqi Syria-frontier border region close to Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, led by the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment. Involved troops from the 82nd Airborne Division and the 101st Airborne Division. (US News, 12 August 2003, Iraq Hack: A Reporter's Blog, 11 December 2003)
Operation Rifle Sweep 20031126 20031126 along the Iraq-Syria border Counterinsurgency: Focused on the search and seizure of weapons and munitions
Operation Bayonet Lightning 20031202 20031202 Al Hawija and the village of Rashad, 60 km (37 mi) to the south of Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: Designed to capture weapons, materials, and people that posed a threat against Coalition Forces
Operation Bulldog Mammoth 20031204 20031204 Baghdad, northwest of Security: American search of an apartment complex.
Operation Clear Area 20031206 20031206 Central Iraq, between Ar Rifa`i and Qal`at Sukkar Counterinsurgency: Was a search and seizure operation utilizing vehicle check points
Operation Abilene 20031208 20031208 Al Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Soldiers initiated 12 raids that resulted in the capture of 12 individuals and a number of various weapons. Was conducted by the US Army’s 1st Infantry Division, 1st Brigade. The operation consisted of twelve raids to capture or eliminate individuals responsible for attacking coalition forces. The operation was successful and resulted in the capture of 12 personnel and the confiscation of various weapons.
Operation Panther Squeeze 20031210 20031210 Latifiya Counterinsurgency: Was a series of 18 night-time raids by elements of the 82nd Airborne Division. These raids seem to have been in response to an ambush that killed seven Spanish intelligence officers in November. About forty enemy personnel were captured.
Operation Red Dawn 20031213 20031213 ad-Dawr Security and counterinsurgency: American capture of Saddam Hussein.
Operation Panther Backroads 20031215 20031215 Ar Ramadi Law enforcement and counterinsurgency: Was an attempt to stop insurgent smuggling. Was launched by the 82nd Airborne Division in the Sunni Triangle in an attempt to stop insurgent smuggling.[4]
Operation Arrowhead Blizzard 20031217 20031217 Samarra Counterinsurgency: Seven targets classified as high-value were captured by the 4th Infantry Division and the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division in the Sunni Triangle.[5]
Operation Ivy Blizzard 20031217 20031217 Samarra Counterinsurgency: Counterinsurgency sweep by US forces
Operation Iron Justice 20031218 20031218 Baghdad, southern portion Law enforcement: Captured 28 fuel trucks and nine propane trucks illegally dispensing fuel as part of black market activity. Was a U.S. Army operation aimed at ending insurgent run Black Market fueling activities south of the city. It involved the 1st Armored Division and 82nd Airborne Division.[6]
Operation Rifles Fury 20031221 200312?? Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Seizure of weapons caches including 204 RPGs. Was a coalition strike at insurgent training camps in the Rawah area. Led by the 3d Armored Cavarly Regiment along with soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division and 4th Infantry Division. The operation was nicknamed by the soldiers involved as Operation Santa's Claws.[7]
Operation Devil Siphon 20031223 20031223 Ar Ramadi Law enforcement: Was aimed at curtailing the growing black market of fuel and propane and restoring Iraq's fuel infrastructure. Like Operation Rifles Fury, this operation was a coalition strike aimed at ending Black Market fuel and propane operations run by insurgent marketeers. The operation involved the U.S. 1st Infantry Division and Iraqi Police.[8]
Operation Overcoat 20031223 20031223 Mosul Humanitarian: Delivered more than 500 pounds of coats, clothes, shoes, and toys
Operation Salm 20031223 20031223 Fallujah Operation Salm was designed to give a higher profile to coalition forces in Fallujah and more exposure to residents. The second objective was to paralyze anti-coalition forces by flooding the streets with soldiers and checkpoints. This operation took place on December 23, 2003 and lasted from 5:30AM to 3:00PM. Members of the 10th Mountain Division and 82nd Airborne Division participated and reported they detained 12 enemy personnel.
Operation Santa Strike 20031223 20031223 Mosul Humanitarian: Delivered more than 500 pounds of coats, clothes, shoes, and toys
Operation Iron Force 20031224 2003???? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The objective was to capture or eliminate any rebel forces seeking to capitalize on the holiday season to attack coalition forces
Operation Iron Grip 20031224 20031231, at least Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was designed to intensify the pressure on Saddam loyalists
Operation Choke Hold 20031230 20031230 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: To stop the influx of bomb making materials into the city


During the early occupation, a number of widely cited humanitarian, tactical, and political errors by coalition planners, particularly the United States and United Kingdom led to a growing armed resistance, usually called the "Iraqi insurgency" (referred to by the mainstream media and coalition governments). The anti-occupation/anti-coalition forces are believed to be predominantly, but not exclusively, Iraqi Sunni Muslim Arabs, plus some foreign Arab and Muslim fighters, some of the latter tied to al-Qaeda. Several minor coalition members have pulled out of Iraq; this has been widely considered a political success for the anti-occupation forces.

Despite this, there was a reduction in violence throughout Iraq in the start of 2004 due to reorganization within the insurgent forces. During this time the tactics used by coalition forces were studied and the insurgency began to plan a new strategy. The calm did not last long however and once the insurgency had regained its footing attacks resumed and increased. Throughout the remainder of 2004 and continuing into the present day, the insurgency has employed bombings as their primary means of combating the coalition forces. This has led to hundreds of Iraqi civilians and police killed in addition to the coalition forces they were fighting. Many were killed in a series of massive bombings at mosques and shrines throughout Iraq. The bombings indicated that as the relevance of Saddam Hussein and his followers was diminishing, radical Islamists, both foreign and Iraqi was increasing to take their place. An organized Sunni insurgency, with deep roots and both nationalist and Islamist motivations, was becoming clear. The Mahdi Army also began launching attacks on coalition targets and to seize control from the Iraqi security forces. The southern and central portions of Iraq began to erupt in urban guerilla combat as coalition forces attempted to keep control and prepared for a counteroffensive.

In response to insurgent attacks, coalition forces focused on hunting down the remaining leaders of the former regime, culminating in the shooting deaths of Saddam's two sons in July. In all, over 200 top leaders of the former regime were killed or captured, as well as supports and military personnel during the summer of 2004.

Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Gimlet Victory 2004???? 2004????
Operation Hickory View 2004???? 2004???? Counterinsurgency and Security: Helped eliminate many of the established indirect fire patterns, which insurgents had used
Operation I CAN 2004???? 2004???? throughout Iraq Humanitarian: Soldiers distributed over 100 boxes of donated school supplies and toys to Iraqi children.
Operation Iron Fury II 2004???? 2004???? Sadr City Counterinsurgency: Continued missions to drive the Mahdi Army out of the city
Operation Lancer Lightning 2004???? 2004????
Operation Windy City 2004???? 2004???? Baghdad Humanitarian: Gave blankets to distribute to the local population
Operation Warhorse Whirlwind 200401?? 200401?? Abu Kharma Counterinsurgency: Captured 31 individuals, including eight people who were specifically targeted for suspected involvement in anti-Coalition activity
Operation Iron Resolve 20040112 2004???? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was intended to disrupt the terrorist networks with constant searches and raids by coalition forces
Operation Clothes for Kids 20040113 20040114 Taji Humanitarian: An effort to bring clothing to needy Iraqi children
Operation Market Sweep 20040113 20040113 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: The successful raid into the downtown Fallujah arms market
Operation Saloon 20040114 20040114 the Al-Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Captured a high-ranking former Iraqi Officer, General Mamoud Khudair Younes
Operation Centaur Fast Gas 20040115 20040119 Ba’qubah Security: Provide security for the gas station, help manage the lines in order to facilitate maximum efficiency of the gas station, and prevent unauthorized gas pilferage
Operation Rock Slide 20040115 20040115 the Al-Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Captured a high-ranking former Iraqi officer Brig. Gen. Kalil Ibraham Fayal al-Dulaymi
Operation Wolfhound Trap II 20040121 20040123 Heychel Counterinsurgency:
Operation Wolfhound Fury II 20040122 20040122 Heychel and its surrounding villages Counterinsurgency: Hunted down suspected terrorists and provide humanitarian and reconstruction assistance to the Iraqi people
Operation Wolverine Feast 20040124 20040124 the Al-Doura district Counterinsurgency: Coalition and Iraqi Army soldiers detained 10 suspects and seized four caches
Operation Final Cut 20040128 200402?? Bayji Counterinsurgency: Was designed to capture or eliminate people suspected of insurgent activity
Operation Saber Turner II 200402?? 200402?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Tomahawk (Iraq) 200402?? 200402??
Operation Trailblazer 20040209 Ongoing Baqubah Security: An effort to make Iraqi roads safer for fellow soldiers. The beginning of this operation was conducted by the 14th Engineer Battalion (C)(W) and the 244th Engineers out of Colorado. This Operation was taken over by the 141st Engineer Combat Battalion (C)(W), a North Dakota National Guard unit. Their mission was to patrol a section of Iraq's main highways and alternate routes locating and clearing bombs. The secondary goal of this mission was route sanitation which included knocking down trees in the medians of the roads and clearing brush from the sides of the road where the enemy could easily hide a bomb. In January 2005, the 141st Engineers were replaced by the 467th Engineer Battalion (C)(W), a USAR unit from Tennessee. The 14th Engineer Battalion returned to Iraq and relieved the 467th Engineers of the Trailblazer mission in December 2005. Alpha Company, 164th Engineers from North Dakota took over operations from the 467th Engineers in the LSA Anaconda/Balad area around the same time. In October 2006, the 14th Engineers were replaced by the 1st Engineer Battalion.
Operation Eagle Liberty 3 20040218 20040219 Bilad Counterinsurgency: Targeted individuals who were suspected of attacking forward operating bases in the area. 16 targets and 3 enemy personnel were detained
Operation Devil Clinch 20040221 20040221 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was designed as a series of raids to capture suspected insurgents
Operation Rocketman 20040226 20040226 the town of Siniyah Counterinsurgency: Three Iraqis suspected of attacks on coalition forces were arrested
Operation Aloha 200403?? 200403?? Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: American anti-insurgent sweep. Elements of the 25th Infantry Division surrounded an area in late March 2004 and sent patrols to conduct searches for weapons. The troopers knocked on doors to ask permission to search. This was a change from earlier more-aggressive techniques. The name of the operation is a traditional Hawaiian greeting. The 25th Infantry Division has long been based in that state.
Operation Centaur Rodeo 200403?? 200403?? Baqubah Law enforcement and Counterinsurgency: Designed to slow the smuggling of illegal weapons in Baqubah's Diyala Governorate capital. As of March 30, 2004 coalition forces had seized 3 people and several weapons.[9]
Operation Devil Thrust 200403?? 200403?? Surveillance, reconnaissance and Counterinsurgency: The operation consists of three phases. The first phase is surveillance and reconnaissance, the 2nd was combat operations and the 3rd was stabiliztion
Operation Soccor Ball 200403?? 200403?? Baghdad, Karadah district Humanitarian: Gave away 150 soccer balls to local children
Operation Warrior 20040303 20040303 Security and Counterinsurgency: Was a cordon and search operation conducted by coalition forces designed to capture Farhan and Sofi Sinjar, Abu Akmed, and Abu Farka. [10]
Operation Shillelagh 20040317 20040317 Abu Ghurayb Counterinsurgency: Seven wanted individuals were found and detained during a sweep of more than 700 houses. See Also Operation Iron Promise.
Operation Suicide Kings 20040317 20040317 Baghdad Security: A combined cordon and search operation involving U.S. and Iraqi Civil Defense Corps Soldiers
Operation Iron Promise 20040318 200411?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Part of an ongoing campaign to bring stabilization and security to the country and people of Iraq. Was a long-running series of patrols conducted by elements of the 1st Armored and 1st Cavalry Divisions. The operation continued until at least November 2004 when it was still being mentioned in newspaper reports. The name is derived from the "Old Ironsides" nickname of the 1st Armored Division.
Operation Duke Fortitude 200404?? 200404?? Fallujah Counterinsurgency: The operation was designed to capture or kill elements of the Mahdi army and Muqtada Al-Sadr
Operation Iron Saber 200404?? 200406?? Najaf, Al Kut and Karbala Counterinsurgency: Was a coalition strike aimed at defeating the Mahdi army under the control of Muqtada al-Sadr
Operation Lancer Fury 200404?? 200404?? Baghdad, Sadr City Counterinsurgency: Was one of many operations initiated in hopes of disarming and disbanding militia forces
Battle of Fallujah(2004) 20040404 20040501 Fallujah Battle: (See Operation Vigilant Resolve)
Operation Vigilant Resolve 20040404 20040501 Fallujah Battle: First American attempt to capture Fallujah.
Battle of Ramadi (2004) 20040406 20040410 Ramadi Battle: An estimated 250 rebels were killed in fighting that shattered the insurgent offensive
Operation Resolute Sword 20040408 20040408 Counterinsurgency: Was a military operation taken by the United States' armed forces to capture Muqtada al-Sadr. (April 10 President's Radio Address Mention)
Operation Danger Fortitude 20040411 20040417 Najaf, about 20 km northwest of Security: was designed establish and occupy FOB Duke
Operation Ripper Sweep 20040412 200404?? Fallujah Security and counterinsurgency: The operation aimed at securing roads into and out of the city. Was a United States Marine Corps operation that took place as Operation Vigilant Resolve raged in Fallujah. The operation aimed at securing roads into and out of Fallujah and was led by the 7th Marine Regiment. The Marines swept west to east from Al Asad and seized a large number of bombs.
Battle of Husaybah 20040417 20040417 Husaybah Battle: Five Marines were killed along with 150 insurgents in the fierce battle that lasted 14 hours. Another 9 Marines were wounded and 20 insurgents captured.
Operation Yellow Stone 20040423 20040423 Al-Rashida, the former presidential island retreat Counterinsurgency: To secure the area and remove the enemy from the island
Operation Rapier Thrust 200405?? 200405??
Operation Spring Cleanup 200405?? 200405?? Baqouba Counterinsurgency: Designed to take control of a stretch of road known as the Blue Babe Highway and included the U.S. 3rd Brigade Combat Teams. The area was also known as "RPG Alley" for the large number of roadside bombings and insurgent attacks that occurred there.[11]
Operation Thunderstruck 200405?? 200405??
Operation Striker Hurricane 20040501 20040501 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: To round up insurgents and other anti-coalition parties
Operation Wolfpack Crunch 20040504 20040504 Diwaniya Counterinsurgency: The mission’s target was a series of buildings, located near an old downtown theater, which were reportedly being used by members of the “Muqtada’s Militia” to plan and stage attacks against Coalition forces
Operation Arrowhead Strike 10 20040505 20070506 Baghdad, the southwestern Rashid District Counterinsurgency: To rid the Rashid District of terrorists and criminals and to protect the population
Operation Student to Student 20040510 20040510 Al-Baruddi Humanitarian and Peacekeeping: Gave the soldiers and the local populace an opportunity to establish the relationships that are so critical to the building of a sovereign Iraq
Operation Disarm 20040519 20040519 Baghdad Peacekeeping: The program used funds earmarked for tips leading to the capture of insurgents or illegal weapons and offers up to $500 per weapon, depending on type. Included in the final tally were more than 80 AK-47 rifles, mortars, mines and grenades.
Operation Diyala Border Police Audit 20040526 200406?? Muntheria Forward Presence: To verify the accuracy and legitimacy of the Diyala Border Polices’ financial and payroll records just northeast of Kanaqan
Operation Giuliani 200406?? 200406?? Mosul Counterinsurgency: Was designed to seize weapons and munitions to prevent them from being used against coalition forces
Operation Slim Shady 200406?? 200406?? Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: Was designed to cripple the resources of Muqtada al-Sadr's militia. The 2nd Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division of the United States Military launched the operation, which was designed to cripple the resources of the then powerful rebel forces of Muqtada al-Sadr. The operation began in the first week of June, 2004. Six individuals were captured, five of which were cell leaders in the Mahdi army. One of the insurgents captured was As'ad Abu Aws. As'ad Abu Aws was the second in command of the militia's Kirkuck operations. The name of the operation was taken from popular rapper Eminem's (real name Marshall Mathers) fictional alter-ego Slim Shady. Press Release
Operation Striker Tornado 200406?? 200406?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was designed to allow the 1st Armored Division to execute near-simultaneous raids on specified targets wanted for anti-coalition activities
Operation Rocketman III 20040608 20040608 Counterinsurgency: Designed to search and secure enemy personnel as well as those suspected of harboring insurgents and weapons.
Operation Dragon Victory 20040619 20040619 Najaf Support and counterinsurgency: Was designed to provide relief in place of the 2nd Armored Cavalry and to provide logistical support for Task Force Danger and continue to sustain combat operations.
Operation Gimlet Crusader 20040624 20040624 Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: Was aimed at disrupting insurgents and their attacks on multinational forces
Operation Gimlet Silent Sniper 200407?? 200407?? Kirkuk Counterinsurgency: Engaged in multiple searches and raids looking to capture or kill cell leaders
Operation Haifa Street 200407?? 200407?? Baghdad Law Enforcement: Was specifically designed as a large raid focused on criminals and criminal activity in Baghdad
Operation Oasis 200407?? 200407?? Baghdad Humanitarian: The overall project to improve electricity, sewers, water and other essential services around the city.
Operation Outlaw Destroyer 200407?? 200407?? Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Was designed to prevent insurgents from gaining weapons and munitions from known ammunition storage points
Operation Mutual Security 20040702 20040702 Mosul Counterinsurgency: Was designed as a sweeping house-to-house search for weapons and terrorists to be conducted by only Iraqi forces
Operation Tombstone Piledriver 20040715 20040715 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The operation netted six individuals who were detained for questioning.
Operation Mayfield III 20040719 20040719
Operation Cobra Sweep 20040728 20040728 Baghdad, in the Hay Muthana district Security and Counterinsurgency: Was designed to cordon, search, and seize bomb makers, materials and potential storage places
Operation Quarterhorse Rides 200408?? 200408?? Ad Duluiyah Counterinsurgency: To increase security and deter enemy attacks
Operation Warrior Resolve 200408?? 200408?? the At Tamin and As Sulaymaniyah provinces Counterinsurgency: Was a massive synchronized effort which attempted to deter insurgent forces
Operation Tiger Care 20040803 20040803 Balad General Hospital Humanitarian: To assist the local hospital by procuring and delivering much needed medical supplies
Operation Phantom Linebacker 20040704 20040704 along the Syrian border Security: Security Operations along the Syrian border.
Operation Vanguard Thunder 20040805 20040805 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Targeted 150-200 terrorist suspects. No injuries or damages were reported
Battle of Najaf (2004) 20040805 20040827 Najaf Battle: Was a battle that was fought between U.S. and Iraqi forces, and the Islamist Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr
CIMIC-House 20040805 20040828 Al Amarah Battle: Was a siege fought between UK forces, and the Islamist Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr. An estimated 200+ insurgents were killed.
Operation Cajun Mousetrap II 20040805 200408?? Samarra Counterinsurgency: Some small arms were found and at least three rebels were killed while nine people were detained and transferred for further questioning.
Operation Cajun Mousetrap III 20040813 20040815 Samarra Counterinsurgency: Troops utilized targeted raids against enemy personnel who were destabilizing the city and an estimated 45 insurgents were killed.
Operation Iron Fury 20040817 2004???? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: An "all-out effort" to stop violence in the Baghdad area by militia headed up by Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr
Operation Showdown 20040818 20040818 Ar Ramadi Counterinsurgency: To search for weapons caches and terrorists
Operation Wolverine 20040819 20040819 Ad Duluiyah Counterinsurgency: Was designed to prevent organized insurgent force activities as well as deny AIF sanctuary
Operation Grizzly Forced Entry 20040821 20040821 Najaf Counterinsurgency: Was designed as a search and seizure operation of high value targets suspected of attacking coalition forces
Operation Clean Sweep 20040823 20040824 Baghdad, southern portion Counterinsurgency: Raided 350 houses and detained 49 suspects
Operation True Grit 20040823 20040824 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: During the operation, Multi-National Forces and SSF searched several houses and 17 insurgents were detained, four of which were found setting up an ambush on top of one of the houses
Operation Hurricane 200409?? 200409?? Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the detention of four suspected insurgents, the removal of 6 bombs and the confiscation of bomb making materials, including cell phone parts
Operation Black Typhoon 20040909 20040914 Tal Afar Counterinsurgency: All the enemy insurgents had either been killed or fled the city
Operation Hurricane II 20040918 20040918 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: To disrupt the Daham terrorist network and to discover and remove illegal weapons and ammunition caches in the city.
Operation Iron Fist II 20040923 2004???? Ramadi Counterinsurgency: A top priority in the operation was to detain or eliminate Moktada al-Sadr's lieutenants
Operation Longhorn 20040924 20040924 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: A coordinated effort to detain insurgent Forces and remove illegal weapons and ammunition caches
Operation Marne 20040924 20040924 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: A coordinated effort to detain insurgent Forces and remove illegal weapons and ammunition caches
Operation Predator 20040924 20040924 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: A coordinated effort to detain Anti-Iraqi Forces and remove illegal weapons and ammunition caches
Operation Backpack 200410?? 200410?? Baqubah Humanitarian: Taking 200 backpacks filled with school supplies to school children
Operation Mustang Flex 200410?? 200410?? Tikrit Counterinsurgency and humanitarian: Deny insurgents sanctuary, promote the Tikrit Job Corps program, and assess essential services.
Operation Ramadan Roundup 200410?? 200410?? Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the capture of 30 insurgents, more than 60 weapons, and Improvised Explosive Device making materials.
Operation Tangerine Pinch 200410?? 200410?? Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Deny insurgents sanctuary, promote the Tikrit Job Corps program, and assess essential services.
Operation Wolfhound Fury 20041005 200410?? Hegneh Counterinsurgency: A Task Force 1-27 air assault mission
Operation Bulldog 20041006 2004???? Ar-Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Was designed to re-establish peace and stability by denying sanctuary to insurgents, capturing enemy personnel, and seize any weapons caches
Operation Centaur Strike II 20041011 20041011 Baqubah Counterinsurgency: Was designed to seize insurgent equipment caches in hopes of disrupting terrorist activity before the Ramadan.
Operation Centaur Strike III 20041013 20041013 Baqubah Counterinsurgency: Was designed to seize insurgent equipment caches in hopes of disrupting terrorist activity before the Ramadan.
Operation Mandarin Squeeze 20041014 20041014 Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Its purpose was threefold; deny insurgents sanctuary, promote the Tikrit job corps program, and assess essential services.
Operation Mustang Socko 20041014 20041014 along the Tigris River Counterinsurgency: Detained several suspects and found several weapons caches
Operation Tiger Cub 20041014 20041014 Baghdad Humanitarian: To improve the school supply and education system throughout the greater Balad area
Operation Tangerine Squeeze 20041015 20041015 Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Called for a complete search of more than 300 homes
Operation Crayon 20041021 20041021 Kirkuk Humanitarian: Was a charitable program that provided schools the pencils, crayons, papers and other materials necessary to teach children
Operation Duliyah Sunrise 20041028 20041028 Ad Duluiyah Counterinsurgency: A raid on an upscale neighborhood to search for insurgent materials
Operation Dallas 20041029 20041029 Mosul Security: Was designed to increase security by performing cordon and knocks throughout the community
Operation Tiger Fury 20041030 2004???? east of Balad Counterinsurgency: Was designed to stop insurgent activities and capture individuals suspected of being insurgents
Operation Army Santa 200411?? 200411?? Humanitarian:
Operation Duke Fury 20041103 20041103 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: To search for weapons caches and suspected insurgents
Operation New Dawn (Al Fajr) 20041103 20041103 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: To search for weapons caches and suspected insurgents
Operation Phantom Fury 20041107 20041223 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Joint American/Iraqi assault on Fallujah. See also Operation Dawn (Al-Fajr) and 2nd Battle of Fallujah
Operation Dawn (Al Fajr) 20041108 20041108 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: The elimination of Fallujah as a terrorist safe haven
Battle of Mosul 20041110 20041116 Mosul Battle: Was a battle fought during the Iraq War in 2004 for the capital of the Ninawa Governorate in northern Iraq that occurred concurrently to fighting in Fallujah.
Operation Wolfhound Power 20041111 20041112 Hawja Counterinsurgency: To root insurgents out of the city
Operation Wolfhound Jab 20041115 20041115 Tall Suseus and Rubaydhah Counterinsurgency: No one was detained and no weapon caches were found although reports were that the area contained insurgent sanctuaries
Operation Rock Bottom 20041119 20041121 Counterinsurgency: The searches netted numerous small arms, 10 detainees and three rockets
Operation Plymouth Rock 20041123 20041123 Baghdad, South of Counterinsurgency: Sweep south of Baghdad.
Operation Tobruk 20041128 20041128 a village along the Euphrates river 8 km Northeast of Camp Dogwood Counterinsurgency: A search of the village for insurgents and Saddam loyalists
Operation Wonderland 200412?? 20041224 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Netted 29 detainees and multiple weapons caches
Operation Baton Rouge 20041201 20041204 Samarra Counterinsurgency: The operation resulted in about 125 rebels killed and 88 were being detained
Operation Falcon Freedom 20041205 20041205 Al Rashid District Counterinsurgency: A joint U.S.-Iraqi cordon-and-search operation were several weapons caches were discovered
Operation Soprano Sunset 20041206 20041206 Baghdad, eastern portion Counterinsurgency: Captured several suspected senior level transnational terrorists, including key leaders, operatives, and financiers
Operation Iraqi Children 20041208 20041208 Baqubah Humanitarian: Soldiers delivered school supplies
Operation Backbreaker 20041221 20041222 Buhriz Security: A project to fortify a new police station as well as the Governor’s mansion just down the road
Operation Lion Cub 20041221 20041221 Tikrit Humanitarian: To deliver a load of toys to the children of the villages of Al Alam, Al Owja and Wynott
Operation Powder River 20041231 20050102 Ad Duluiyah Counterinsurgency: Detained 49 individuals, descovered several weapons caches and searched 13 homes and the surrounding areas in a series of raids
Operation Triple Play 20041231 20050102 Salman Pak Security: To improve security for the upcoming elections in Iraq


Coalition and Iraqi government forces continue to battle Iraqi militants and other fighters. During early and mid-May 2005, the U.S. also launched Operation Matador, an assault by around 1,000 marines in the ungoverned region of western Iraq. Coalition and Iraqi soldiers, Iraqi fighters and civilians have been killed in these conflicts. As of late July 2007, nearly 3,700 U.S. soldiers have been killed, and around ten times this many have been wounded. The number of Iraqi citizens who have fallen victim to the fighting has risen. The Iraqi government, with some holdovers from the CPA, engaged in securing control of the oil infrastructure (a source of Iraq's foreign currency) and control of the major cities of Iraq. The insurgency, the developing the New Iraqi Army, disorganized police and security forces, as well as a lack of revenue have hampered efforts to assert control. In addition, former Baathist elements and militant Shia groups have engaged in sabotage, terrorism, open rebellion, and establishing their own security zones in all or part of a dozen cities. The Allawi government vowed to crush the insurgency.

An election for a government to draft a permanent constitution took place during this time (ed. see Politics of Iraq for more information on the political state of Iraq). Although some violence and lack of widespread Sunni participation marred the event, much of the eligible Kurd and Shia populace participated. Sectarian violence has also been prominent part of the militant and guerrilla activity. Targets here where often Shia gatherings or civilian concentrations mainly of Shias. As a result, over 700 Iraqi civilians died in the month.

Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Attleboro(Iraq) 2005???? 2005???? Humanitarian: Delivered a variety of much-needed supplies and equipment to the Iraqi Police of Ash Sharqat
Operation Dunlap 2005???? 2005????
Operation East Lansing 2005???? 2005????
Operation Hudson 2005???? ????????
Operation Moon 2005???? 2005????
Operation Moving Forward 2005???? 2005????
Operation Neighborhood Watch 2005???? 2005????
Operation Spider Web 2005???? 2005????
Operation Vacant City 2005???? 2005????
Operation River Walk 20050102 20050103 Latifiyah Counterinsurgency: Found over 9 significant weapons caches, detained 43 suspected insurgents and discovered and destroyed several bombs
Operation Lanthonid 20050109 200501?? Baqubah, near Counterinsurgency: Nine targeted AIF members were detained along with two other suspected AIF members and numerous weapons
Operation Therapist 20050109 20050109 near Tikrit Counterinsurgency: During the series of raids, 11 were detained. Three of the detainees were on the target list. Also confiscated were 120 mm mortars and assorted ammunition
Operation Hedgehog 20050110 20050114 Hīt Counterinsurgency: Discovered numerous caches of insurgent ordnance and weaponry
Operation Copperas Cove 20050112 20050112 Al-Karkh, the neighborhoods of Karkh and Sheik Marruf Counterinsurgency: Raided a mechanic’s shop suspected of being used by insurgents and found 35 mortars which had to be removed by hand
Operation Keystone Sweep 20050114 20050114 As Siniyah Counterinsurgency: To conduct raids, capture or kill insurgents and eliminate bombs and other illegal weapons
Operation Clean Sweep 20051118 20051118 Al Buetha, 15KM South of Baghdad along the Tigris River Counterinsurgency:Clean out an area that was known to be used as a way for insurgents to come towards Baghdad from the south as well as an area that a lot of VBIEDs and IEDs were coming from," said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Everett Knapp, commander of the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment.

In anticipation of the Dec. 15 nationwide elections, U.S. soldiers assigned to 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, as well as Iraqi forces from the 4th Public Order Brigade and 1st Commando Brigade, raided about 350 homes and detained 49 suspected terrorists. Military officials said ten of the suspects were forwarded to detention facilities.

Operation Checkmate 20050118 2005???? Jabella, 50 mi (80 km) south of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Successfully detained 15 insurgents including a suspected former intelligence officer in Saddam Hussein’s regime
Operation Big Dig 20050123 2005???? Latifiyah Counterinsurgency: Collected and destroyed weapons caches
Operation Centaur Showdown 20050208 20050208 Mufrek Counterinsurgency: Searched for unregistered weapons and illegal bomb-making materials
Operation River Blitz 20050220 20050220 Al Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Targeted insurgents in cities along the Euphrates River including Hit, Ramadi, and Baghdad
Operation River Bridge 20050312 20050325 Hit-Haditha Corridor Counterinsurgency, follow on to Operation River Blitz
Operation Lightning (Al Barkh) 20050226 20050625 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Shifting the new government from a defensive to an offensive posture in its efforts to disrupt terrorist activities in Baghdad
Operation Unforgiven 20050322 20050324 Albu Hatim Counterinsurgency: The operation uncovered five weapons caches including more than 7,000 rounds of ammunition, an improvised explosive device factory and 39 members of anti-Iraqi forces
Operation Swashbuckle 20050326 20050326 Ar Ramadi Humanitarian: The four-man comedy show, presented by Hack and Slash, provided an explosive round of entertainment for more than 100 Marines
Operation Fontana 20050402 20050406 the Babil and Wasit provinces Counterinsurgency: Was to eliminate places where terrorists trained to carry out their activities
Operation Block Party 20050407 20050407 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: More than 100 Marines, side-by-side with three companies of Iraqi soldiers, cordoned and searched a targeted area of the city.
Operation Grey Wolf II 20050410 20050410 Shakarta Counterinsurgency: A surprise operation to catch suspected terrorists and criminals
Operation Badlands 20050412 20050412 Saqlawiyah Security and Counterinsurgency: Security and stability operations designed to root out insurgent activity and illegal weapons caches
Operation Scrimmage 20050414 20050416 Kubaysa, Al Anbar Province Unofficial name for a sub-part of operation Outerbanks
Operation Outer Banks 20050401 20050503 Hit-Haditha Corridor Counterinsurgency
Operation Quicksweep 200505?? 200505?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the capture of several individuals identified as insurgents and the discovery of a weapons stash totaling 3,000 pounds of large caliber explosive munitions in a rural area northwest of Baghdad.
Operation Clear Decision 20050503 20050503 Al Karmah Counterinsurgency: It was a success because the operation was conducted safely, insurgents were detained, and the relationship with the local populace improved
Operation Cobweb (MND-CS) 20050506 20050510 Wasit province Counterinsurgency: Twenty-nine individuals were detained while forty kinds of guns were confiscated in addition to explosive materials being found
Operation Matador (Battle of Al Qaim) 20050507 20050514 northwestern Anbar province Counterinsurgency: It was focused on eliminating insurgents and foreign fighters in a region known as a smuggling route and a sanctuary for foreign fighters
Battle of Al Qaim 20050508 20050519 Anbar province Counterinsurgency: (See Operation Matador)
Operation Block Party II 20050509 20050514 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Only a small amount of ordnance was found during the operation, most of it pointed out by the local residents
Operation Mongoose 20050513 20050513 south of Diyarah Counterinsurgency: To capture individuals responsible for recent attacks against Coalition forces and local residents
Operation Dragons Breath 20050515 20050515 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Was designed to target insurgents in Ramadi neighborhoods
Operation Peninsula (MND-CS) 20050519 20050519 As Suwaryah Counterinsurgency: To round up terrorists and eliminate their base of operations
Operation Squeeze Play 20050522 20050523 Baghdad, the western suburbs Counterinsurgency: Almost 300 suspects were detained in the first day of the operation
Operation Chepultepec 20050524 20050524 Lutafiyah, the southern Ubaydah region Counterinsurgency: The Iraqi Army detained 12 suspects and captured several weapons
Operation New Market(Souk Jadeed) 20050525 20050529 The city of Haditha Counterinsurgency: A raid on the city of Haditha to disrupt insurgents.
Operation Moon River Dragon 20050529 20050529 the village of Al Julaam Counterinsurgency: More than 40 individual males were interrogated about insurgent activities
Operation San Juan 20050531 20050604 Security and Humanitarian: A five-day operation repairing Alternate Supply Route San Juan, making it safer for convoys and local civilians traveling the road on a daily basis
Operation Pitchfork 200506?? 200506?? The area east of the Lake Thar-Thar region Counterinsurgency: Marines located over 50 hidden weapons caches and an underground bunker in the vicinity of a rock quarry.
Operation Uhaser 200506?? 20050606 throughout Northern Babil province, south of Baghdad Security and Counterinsurgency: They conducted continuous patrols, vehicle checkpoints, raids, and searches
Operation Woodstock 200506?? 20050606 throughout Northern Babil province, south of Baghdad Security and Counterinsurgency: They conducted continuous patrols, vehicle checkpoints, raids, and searches
Operation Spear (Romhe) 20050611 20050622 Karabilah Counterinsurgency: Aimed at rooting out terrorists, foreign fighters and disrupting terrorist support systems in and around Karabilah
Operation White Shield 20050613 20050614 northern Babil province Counterinsurgency: Discovered a weapons cache and detained seven terror suspects
Operation Dagger(Khanjar) 20050618 20050618 Anbar province Counterinsurgency: The operation is focused on locating hidden weapons caches and denying terrorists sanctuary in the Southern Lake Thar-Thar region, in an area 85 kilometers northwest of Baghdad that is a suspected logistical hub.
Operation Strategic Separation (al Azil al Sitrateegi) 20050625 200506?? Babil province, northern portion Counterinsurgency: Two hundred and nineteen suspected insurgents were detained
Operation Sword(Saif) 20050627 20050705 The city of Hit Counterinsurgency: To occupy the city of Hit and establish a permanent presence there by coalition and Iraqi forces.
Operation Shadyville 20050629 20050629 Saqlawiyah Counterinsurgency: Searched 244 houses and netted several suspected insurgent supporters, two bombs, and 50 AK-47 assault rifles
Operation Hunter(Sayaid) 200507?? 200507?? along the Euphrates River Valley and the broder of Syria Counterinsurgency: Aimed at denying Al Qaeda in Iraq the ability to operate in the Euphrates River Valley and at preventing the terrorists from continuing their campaign of murder and intimidation against the local population
Operation Seahorse 200507?? 200508?? Counterinsurgency: British-led Multi-National Division Southeast with a mission to detect and deter illicit activity along the Iraqi border
Operation Sergeant Thea'a 200507?? 200507?? Baqubah Counterinsurgency: Was to capture, or kill, terrorists in the city
Operation Thunder 200507?? 200507?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Found at least 1 weapons cache and detained several suspects
Operation Demon Digger 20050701 20050701 Al Rashid district, near Counterinsurgency: seized three weapons caches
Operation Muthana Strike 20050704 20050704 Baghdad International Airport, neighborhoods next to Counterinsurgency: Over 100 individuals were detained as a result of the operation, including reportedly foreign fighters from Egypt
Operation Bow Country 20050705 20050705 Baghdad, areas in the far-east portion Counterinsurgency and reconnaissance: To find weapons and ammunition caches, and to develop intelligence on insurgent activity.
Operation Scimitar 20050707 200507?? Zaidan, approximately 20 mi (30 km) southeast of Fallujah Counterinsurgency: At least 22 suspected insurgents were detained
Operation Warriors Rage 20050715 20050715 Baghdad, the Ameriyah district Counterinsurgency: The search found 10 to 12 122/130-millimeter rounds enhanced with propane to make a larger fireball in the explosion
Battle of Haditha 20050801 20050803 Haditha Battle: Was a battle fought over two days that were under insurgent control in the Euphrates River valley during 2005
Operation Quickstrike 20050803 20050810 Haditha, Haqliniyah, and Barwanah Counterinsurgency: An offensive operation aimed at disrupting insurgent activities and recovering a missing Marine sniper.
Operation Able Warrior 20050804 20050804 Baghdad, west of the Baghdad International Airport Counterinsurgency: Was conducted in order to disrupt car bombing cells and roadside bomb emplacers, and prevent them from planning, preparing and carrying out terrorist attacks in the area.
Operation Restoring Rights 20050826 2005???? the northern city of Tall Afar, located 30 mi (50 km) west of MosulIraq Counterinsurgency: Was a massive military push to engage and destroy the heavy insurgent contingent located there.
Battle of Tal Afar 20050901 20050918 Tal Afar Security and Counterinsurgency: The city was temporarily cleared for elections in 2005, but was not secured in a long-term view.
Operation Cyclone(Zoba) 20050911 20050911 Rutbah Counterinsurgency: Against al-Qaida fighters
Operation Flea Flicker 20050914 20050914 Zafaraniya Counterinsurgency: Was designed to disrupt insurgent activity in the area in preparation for the Oct. 15 constitutional referendum
Operation National Unity 20050929 20050914, at least until Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Charged with the objective of detecting and halting insurgent activity.
Operation Rose Bowl 20050929 20050929 Mohawla, Diyala Counterinsurgency: search in Mohawla 952.
Operation Clydesdale 200510?? 200510??
Operation Mountaineers(Hiba) 200510?? 200510?? southern Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Which consists of 400 ISF soldiers and 500 U.S. service members, is to disrupt insurgents
Operation Carentan 200510?? 200512?? Diyala and Salah ad Din Governorate Counterinsurgency: Was responsible for detaining over 700 suspected insurgents and clearing 120 weapons caches
Operation Constitution Hammer 200510?? 200510?? Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Was conducted to disrupt insurgent activity along the main supply routes in Fallujah, find and capture weapons caches, and kill or capture insurgents
Operation Iron Fist (Kabda Bil Hadid) 20051001 20051006 Sadah approximately 12 km. from the Syrian border Counterinsurgency: In order to root out al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists operating in the area and to disrupt terrorist support systems in and around the city
Operation Bowie 20051002 20051004 Ar Ramadi, southern portion Counterinsurgency: While sweeping through the mostly rural area, the ISF assisted the Marines in identifying people who were not from here and helped in searching homes and buildings for weapons caches and insurgent propaganda.
Operation Saratoga 20051002 200510?? North Central Iraq Security: To provide a safe observance of Ramadan and security for the upcoming referendum
Operation River Gate (Bawwabatu Annaher) 20051004 20051005 Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana Counterinsurgency: The operation's goal is to deny the al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist network the ability to operate in the three Euphrates River Valley cities and to free the local citizens from the insurgents' campaign of murder and intimidation
Operation Fiesta Bowl 20051011 20051011 Mohawla Counterinsurgency: search in Mohawla 964
Operation Doctor 20051025 20051025 Ar Ramadi, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Humanitarian: The operation, led by Civil Affairs Group 6, supplied the hospital and the local Ministry of Health with more than $500,000 in medical supplies and equipment that was sorely needed by the citizens of the Al Anbar provincial capital.
Operation Cornhusker 20051101 20051101 Mohawla Counterinsurgency: cordon and search in Mohawla 953 and clearing operations in Mohawla 955
Operation Open Window 200511?? 2005???? the south central region of Iraq Security: To prepare the area for transfer to the responsibility of the Iraqi 8th Division.
Operation Tigers (Numur) 200511?? 200512?? Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the capture of several weapons caches and several terrorist suspects
Operation Wolf Stalk II 200511?? 200511?? Ninevah Counterinsurgency: Soldiers were charged with disrupting insurgent activity and responding to the needs of local citizens.
Operation Great Lakes 200511?? 200511?? Counterinsurgency: Army National Guard, Army and USMC units from FOB Grizzly were charged with disrupting insurgent activity south of Udame. SFC Kyle B. Wehrly of the 2nd Battalion, 123rd Field Artillery was killed in the Operation.
Operation Shank(Harba) 20051102 20051203 Ramadi, central and southern portions Counterinsurgency: Was the fifth in a series by the Iraqi army and coalition forces engaged in combined clearing operations to disrupt terrorism and set conditions for a successful Dec. 15 election in the provincial capital of Anbar
Operation Syrian Round-up 20051105 20051105 Zafaraniya Counterinsurgency: clear Mohawla 965. A car was confiscated.
Operation Steel Curtain(Al Hajip Elfulathi) 20051105 20051122 Karabilah Counterinsurgency: A Continued effort to clear the town of insurgent activity and weapons
Operation Slapshot 20051106 20051106 near Sindabad Counterinsurgency: targets in M979 and clear Bania Farm.
Operation Fiesta Bowl II 20051109 20051109 Diyala Counterinsurgency: clear M964.
Operation Knockout 20051112 20051112 Ba'qubah Counterinsurgency: A division-size raid designed to destroy or disrupt all of their cells in a large locality in a single night
Operation Paradise City II 20051112 20051112 Around Rasheed Airfield Clearing operation in Zone 11W
Operation Kennesaw Dragon 20051114 20051115 Dawr Counterinsurgency: Conducted an air assault into landing zones outside the town and moved in to search for insurgents, insurgent activity and weapons caches.
Operation Panthers (Numur) 20051116 20051118 Ramadi, the Sophia district Counterinsurgency: Discovered weapons caches and detained suspected terrorists
Operation Home Run 20051117 20051117 Zafaraniya Counterinsurgency: clear Mohawla 959 in Zafaraniya
Operation Bruins(Dibbah) 20051119 20051120 Ramadi Counterinsurgency and Security: Part of a series of disruption operations in Ramadi and is designed to set the conditions for successful elections in December
Operation Cotton Bowl 20051122 20051122 Zafaraniya Counterinsurgency: clear Mohawla 961 in Zafaraniya
Operation Lions(Asad) 20051122 20051124 Ar Ramadi, the Tammim area Counterinsurgency: This operation involved Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces clearing sections of the city in order to disrupt the insurgency and set conditions for successful elections on Dec 15
Operation Tyche Round-up 20051126 20051126 Diyala Counterinsurgency: capture/kill AIF targets in Mohawla 964.
Operation Turkey Bowl 20051128 20051128 Zafaraniya Counterinsurgency: clear Mohawla 951.
Operation Iron Hammer(Matraqa Hadidia) 20051130 20051203 Hai al Becker region Security: The completion of construction of a long-term base on the eastern side of the Euphrates River across from Hīt and about 170 kilometers west of Baghdad
Operation Green Trident 200512?? 200512?? Fallujah, south of Counterinsurgency: U.S. Marines discovered more than ten metric tons of munitions hidden at 72 cache sites 39 km south of Fallujah
Operation Rams(Tallie) 20051204 20051204 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: The forces have discovered four weapons
Operation Stocking Stuffer 20051204 20051204 Diyala Counterinsurgency: raid on 3 Ansar-al-Sunna targets in M964
Operation Skinner(Gashshaa) 20051207 20051210 central Ramadi Counterinsurgency: The operation netted four weapons caches and several detainees and also two command initiated rocket systems designed to ambush passing convoys in central Ramadi. The combined forces also discovered a roadside bomb that the insurgents planned to use in the rocket attack.
Operation Able Rising Force 20051208 20051209 Khadisia Counterinsurgency: Locate and detain suspected terrorists
Operation Bull Dawg Chariot 20051208 20051208 Baqubah, near Counterinsurgency: The operation reportedly netted four suspected terrorists
Operation Liberty Express 20051213 20051215 Fallujah Security: Transportation of election supplies from the printer to the camp, where Iraqi Police and members of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq picked up and escorted the supplies, including ballots, and dispersed them to various polling sites in the city of Fallujah


The beginning of 2006 was marked by government creation talks, growing sectarian violence, and continuous anti-coalition attacks. Sectarian violence expanded to a new level of intensity following the al-Askari Mosque bombing in the Iraqi city of Samarra, on February 22, 2006. The explosion at the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shi'a Islam, is believed to have been caused by a bomb planted by Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Although no injuries occurred in the blast, the mosque was severely damaged and the bombing resulted in violence over the following days.

As of October 20 the U.S military announced that Operation Together Forward had failed to stem the tide of violence in Baghdad, and Shiite militants under al-Sadr seized several southern Iraq cities.[12]

On November 23, the deadliest attack since the beginning of the Iraq war occurred. Suspected Sunni-Arab militants used five suicide car bombs and two mortar rounds on the capital's Shiite Sadr City slum to kill at least 215 people and wound 257. Shiite mortar teams quickly retaliated, firing 10 shells at Sunni Islam's most important shrine in Baghdad, badly damaging the Abu Hanifa mosque and killing one person. Eight more rounds slammed down near the offices of the Association of Muslim Scholars, the top Sunni Muslim organisation in Iraq, setting nearby houses on fire. Two other mortar barrages on Sunni neighborhoods in west Baghdad killed nine and wounded 21, police said.[13]

After capture in December 2003, Saddam Hussein was hanged on December 30, 2006 after being found guilty of crimes against humanity by an Iraqi court.[14]

Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Industrial Revolution 20060810 20060810 Southeast Fallujah/Industrial Sector Cordone and Search Looking for roadside and car bomb Making Facilities
Operation Iron Arrow I 2006???? 2006???? Obeidi region, northern portion Counterinsurgency: Conducted to root out terrorists on the Sunni side of town
Operation Post Hawk 2006???? 2006????
Operation Unified Fist 2006???? 2006???? Baghdad Counterinsurgency:
Operation Baghdad is Beautiful 200601?? 200601?? Baghdad Humanitarian: Cleanup up Baghdad
Operation King Tut 200601?? 200601?? Baghdad Security: Searched for weapons caches
Operation Red Bull 200601?? 200601?? the “Triad” area of Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana Security: The search revealed 75 weapons caches terrorists planned to use during attacks in the region.
Operation Falcon Sweep 20060111, on or about 20060111, on or about Shakaria Counterinsurgency: One of the operation's objectives was to identify and capture terrorists in the village
Operation Red Bull II 20060118 20060118 the “Triad” area of Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana Counterinsurgency: Continue clearing all insurgent operations out of the “Triad” area.
Operation Final Strike (Al Dharba Al Nihaa’ya) 20060129 20060129 Jazerra area northwest of Habbaniyah, 75 km west of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Aimed at neutralizing the insurgency activity and providing a secure area for the citizens of the Jazerra.
Operation Smokewagon 20060202 20060205 Hīt, numerous villages south of Counterinsurgency: Looking for insurgents and their weapons caches
Operation PitBull 20060210 20060217 east of the Euphrates River Counterinsurgency: Designed to squash insurgent operations
Operation God help us (Ala Allah) 20060212 20060213 Subiyhat Counterinsurgency: To clear the area of insurgents and interact with the populace
Operation Dirty Harry 20060220 20060220 Muqdadiyah, a neighborhood and farmlands in the southern portion Security and Counterinsurgency: To cordon and knock a local neighborhood which included searching homes and farmland for anti-coalition forces and weapon caches
Operation Minotaur 20060226 20060226 a town along the Euphrates River in Al Anbar Province, northwest of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was aimed at clearing more than nine kilometers of riverbank and several small villages south of Haqlaniyah
Operation Swamp Fox 200603?? 200603?? Muqdadiyah Counterinsurgency: Coalition and Iraqi forces detained 104 suspected insurgents and confiscated a cache of weapons
Operation Raging Bull 200603?? 200603?? the “Triad” region of Haditha, Haqliniyah, and Barwanah off the Euphrates River in western Al Anbar Province Counterinsurgency: The first, fully independent Iraqi Army-led mission in the “Triad” region
Operation Raging Bull II 200603?? 200603??
Operation Jaws V 200603?? 20060304 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: Disrupting insurgents’ efforts to launch mortar and improvised explosive device attacks against Coalition Forces
Operation El Toro Loco 20060301 20060301 Baghdadi Counterinsurgency:
Operation Glory Light 20060302 20060309 Sadr to Yusufiyah area Counterinsurgency: Was designed to deny insurgents sanctuary and preempt enemy attacks in the Baghdad area
Operation Lion 20060302 20060302 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Discovered more than 62 tons of munitions and weapons were discovered in over 80 weapons caches as well as the capture of 65 suspected insurgents
Operation Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. 20060310 20060310 Fallujah Humanitarian: Handed out toys and pamphlets to Iraqi Children
Operation Focus 20060312 20060312 Diwaniyah Counterinsurgency: Found a weapons cache
Operation Scales of Justice 20060312 200603?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Approximately 800 suspected insurgents had been detained and 140 weapons caches discovered and cleared as part of the operation
Operation Swarmer 20060316 20060322 a 10-by-10 mile square area northeast of Samarra Counterinsurgency: The operation resulted in 104 suspected insurgents currently being detained and questioned, and 24 caches discovered.
Operation Cowpens 20060319 20060414 Jabouri Peninsula Counterinsurgency: Discovering caches and hampering insurgent efforts
Operation Northern Lights 20060321 2006???? Abu Ghraib Counterinsurgency: To disrupt anti-Iraqi forces and to find and destroy terrorist caches in Abu Ghraib. Operation Northern Lights was a joint U.S-Iraqi operation which consisted of approximately 1,400 personnel. Most of the information is confidential and not public.
Operation Scorpion 20060324 20060325 Hawijiah Counterinsurgency: A sequential cordon and search of eight villages in and around Hawijah
Operation Red Light II 20060331 20060331 Saladin Province Counterinsurgency: Detained 17 anti-Iraqi forces personnel and discovered four weapons caches
Operation Cobra Strike (2006) 200604?? 200604?? Haswah and Iskandariyah Counterinsurgency: Was a mission intended to locate the suspected leader and financier of a terrorist cell working in the area. The suspected terrorists were implicated in murders, kidnappings and the emplacement of roadside bombs
Operation Harvest Lights 200604?? 200605?? Najaf, Karbala and Babil Provinces Humanitarian: To control the progressive loss of the date palm crop and regenerate the industry
Operation Money Worth 200604?? 200604?? Baghdad Security: Placed more than 500 concrete barriers at points throughout Baghdad
Operation Sterling 200604?? 2006???? Basra Counterinsurgency: Detained 14 individuals and recovered a significant weapons cache
Operation Hastings 20060404 20060407 Fallujah, northeast of Counterinsurgency: To take weapons out of the hands of insurgents
Operation Bastogne 20060406 20060406 Baghdad Security: Blocking off escape routes frequented by insurgents
Operation Bold Action 20060410 20060410 Tarmiya, near Security: To provide more security near Tarmiya by chasing the terrorists
Operation Swift Sword 20060426 20060429 the villages and farms west of Bayji Counterinsurgency: The operation resulted in the capture of 17 suspected insurgents and the confiscation of a cache of weapons. The cache included more than 100 artillery rounds, mortar rounds, mines, rocket-propelled grenades, sniper rifles, and 4,500 rounds of ammunition
Battle of Diwaniya 20060428 20060428 Diwaniya Counterinsurgency: Battle between the Mahdi Army and the Iraqi Army
Operation Babil Perimeter 20060428 200605?? Al Hayy Counterinsurgency: Detained five known insurgents and found some weapons caches
Operation Lion Hunt 20060429 200605?? Mosul Counterinsurgency: Designed to remove the insurgents from the region making the area safer and to train the Iraqi police
Operation Dragons Breath 200605?? 200605?? Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Search for weapons caches and insurgents
Operation Lion Hunt II 200605?? 200606?? Ninewah province Counterinsurgency: To further develop the Iraq police in cordons and searches while reducing the insurgency in the Ninewah province
Operation Stallion Run 200605?? 200605?? Baghdad Security and Counterinsurgency: The operation was focused on clearing the roads of bombs and the debris that could hide them
Operation Lion 20060504 20060504 Mosul Counterinsurgency: A cordon and search operation
Operation Lightning Blitz 20060505 20060507
Operation Tropical Lightning 20060506 20060506 Counterinsurgency:
Operation Unified Front 20060506 20060506 Ameriya Counterinsurgency: An effort to capture anti-Iraqi forces and seize weapons caches in the neighborhood of Ameriya
Operation Lofty Summit 20060507 20060507 Mushada Security: Coalition forces will stage out of the same patrol base as the 11th Special Infrastructure Battalion, a specialized Iraqi army unit that protects an oil pipeline running through Mushada.
Operation Iron Triangle 20060509 20060511 Tikrit Counterinsurgency: The operation resulted in the detention of 200 suspected terrorists and the confiscation of weapons and propaganda materials at an insurgent training camp southwest of the city.
Operation Barnstormer 20060516 20060518 Karbala, Wassit, Babil, Baghdad, Diyala, Ninewa and Dohuk Humanitarian: To protect key staple crops from insect damage in several Iraq provinces
Operation Chepultepec 20060524 20060524 the Ubaydah region of Southern Lutafiyah Counterinsurgency: Iraqi Police and Coalition Forces provided the outer cordon around the 80 square kilometer area while the Iraqi Army advanced to their objective to drive the terrorists from the region.
Operation Tinto 20060525 20060525 Basrah Counterinsurgency: Was a search and arrest mission
Operation Coolspring VIII 2006???? 20060509 Mosul Counterinsurgency: Three men of military age previously on the Iraqi Army's most wanted list were detained in searches of a wide area south of the city.
Operation Roaring Tiger 20060603 20060603 Baghdad, Adhamiyah district Counterinsurgency: The operation captured 19 suspected insurgents
Operation Cool Carpet 20060609 20060609 Gharmah Humanitarian: To deliver prayer rugs along with two new air conditioning units
Operation Together Forward 20060614 20061024 Baghdad Security: One of the largest combined security operations in the city since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003
Battle of Ramadi (2006) 20060617 20061115 Ramadi Peacekeeping: The objective of the operation was to take full control of a city that had been out of the hands of the American military for the better part of two years.
Operation Sand Storm 20060626 20060626 Ayn Mana Counterinsurgency: To seek out illicit weapons and insurgent forces
Operation Iron Gate 200606?? 200607?? Hawija and Riyadh Counterinsurgency: Observe and prevent illegal border crossing's from Iran
Operation Relentless Hunt 200607?? 200608?? Hawija and Riyadh
Operation Gaugamela 20060720 200607?? Hawija and Riyadh Counterinsurgency: A search for suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in towns just west of Kirkuk
Operation River Falcon 20060725 20060727 Sayifiyeh Counterinsurgency: The operation was aimed at denying terrorists the use of the town as a safe haven, disrupting insurgent attacks on Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces, and on collecting and destroying insurgent munitions
Operation Thundercat 20060726 20060730 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: To disrupt and destroy the insurgency in and around Baghdad
Operation Floodlight 200608?? 20060809, on or about Fallujah Counterinsurgency: To locate insurgents and weapons targeting coalition and Iraqi forces south of the city
Operation Guardian Tiger IV 200608?? 200608?? Haditha Triad region’s Counterinsurgency: Captured more than 30 suspected insurgents
Operation Passage 20060820 20060820 Al Magrab, near Mosul Counterinsurgency: an Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police and U.S. Army joint forces mission
Operation Rubicon 20060825 20060825 Husayba Humanitarian: A combat mission when they stopped to give the refreshments to the kids
Operation Constant Solidarity 20060901 20060901 Diwaniyah Counterinsurgency: To weed out more than 2,000 terrorists in and around the city
Operation Yorktown 20060926 20060926 Al Anbar Province Security and Law enforcement: To develop the Iraqi Security Forces, facilitate the development of official rule of law through democratic government reforms, and continue the development of a market based economy centered on Iraqi reconstruction
Battle of Al Rumaythah 20060926 20060926 Al Rumaythah Contact between Australian forces from Overwatch Battle Group (West) and unidentified insurgents.
Operation Iron Arrow II 20060930 20060930 Obeidi region Security: An IA-led effort aimed at establishing security in the northern portion of the region on the Shia side
Operation Commando Hunter 20061002 200610?? Yusufiyah Counterinsurgency: Was intended to deny terrorists sanctuary in the city 20 mi (30 km) southwest of Baghdad
Operation SOUK 20061002 20061002 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: A cordon and search mission
Operation Half Nelson 20061004 20061004 Hurriyah Peacekeeping and Counterinsurgency: An attempt to build trust with Iraqi civilians and eliminate terrorists
Operation Medusa 20061004 20061004 Mosul
Operation Benefit Day 20061011 20061011 Baghdad Humanitarian: Marines and Iraqi Security Forces passed out backpacks full of school supplies to the children
Operation Dealer 20061012 20061012 Ramadi Security: Was undertaken to establish a combat outpost in the area.
Battle of Amarah 20061019 20061020 Amarah Battle: Began when 800 masked members of the Mahdi army stormed three police stations in Amarah
Operation Helping Hand 20061021 20061021 Tuz Humanitarian: Delivered basic food staples to about 300 Kurd, Turkmen and Arab families
Battle of Fallujah(2006) 20061107 20061223 Fallujah Battle: (See Operation Phantom Fury)
Operation Trifecta 20061114 20061118 Zaidon Security and Counterinsurgency: Performed house-to-house searches and wide spread cache sweeps
Battle of Turki 20061115 20061116 Turki Battle: Was fought over 40 hours between American paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division and well trained insurgent forces.
Operation Talon 200611120 20061120 Fallujah, north of Humanitarian and Counterinsurgency: Rescued 2 hostages and detained 13 suspected insurgents
Operation Polar Black Diamond 20061125 20061125 al Taca Security and Counterinsurgency: Detained 10 terrorist suspects and found a cache of improvised explosive device components
Operation Polar Valor 20061207 20061207
Operation Cougar 20061210 20061210 Adhamiyah Security and counterinsurgency: A cordon and search operation
Operation Arctic Sunrise 20061216 20061216 Baghdad, South of Counterinsurgency: Removed a sizeable cache of bomb making material, detained 11 individuals believed to be involved in insurgent activities and improved the living conditions for the Iraqi people in the area
Operation Eagle Watch 20061215 20061216 Tikrit Counterinsurgency: Fifteen suspects were detained in several locations near the city
Operation Moonlight (Alkamra Almaner) 20061219 20061221 Counterinsurgency: Netted a weapons cache and demonstrated the Iraqi Army soldiers’ ability to gather intelligence, plan, execute and exercise command and control during a large-scale operation
Operation Gladiator 20061223 20061223 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: To sweep the Al Doura market and clear the area so merchants can return and be safe
Operation Beastmaster 20061229 20061229 Baghdad, the western suburb of Ghazaliya Counterinsurgency: Cleared three large neighborhoods which were the sights of much sectarian violence


2007 saw a rise in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations as well as a large "surge" in US forces designed to help stabilize the region.

On January 10, 2007, President Bush announced changes in the administration's political and military strategy in the Iraq War during a television speech broadcast. The speech and underlying strategy had been crafted under the working title "The New Way Forward." In the address Bush stated “America will change our strategy to help the Iraqis carry out their campaign to put down sectarian violence and bring security to the people of Baghdad. This will require increasing American force levels. So I've committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq. The vast majority of them—five brigades—will be deployed to Baghdad."

As part of this new strategy, 2007 saw several major military operations aimed at eliminating insurgent activities, increase support services such as medical facilities and utilities and the training of Iraqi citizens as police or military personnel.

The largest of these new operations were Operations Law and Order, Phantom Thunder and Phantom Strike.

Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Arrowhead Strike VI 2007????  2007???? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Part of the continuing security plan for Baghdad
Operation Green Angel 2007???? 2007????
Operation Three Swords 2007???? 2007????
Operation Michigan 2007???? 2007????
Operation White Rockets 2007???? 20070306 near Bin Muhammad south of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Found two ammunition caches and detaining two suspects
Operation Locust 200701?? 200701??
Operation Three Kings 200701?? 200701??
Operation Arrowhead Strike III 20070103  ???????? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Captured 13 suspected insurgents and recovered several weapons in the northwestern area of the city
Operation Turki Bowl 20070104 20070113 south of Balad Ruz in the Turki Village, Tuwilla and 30 Tamuz areas of the province Counterinsurgency: U.S. and Iraqi forces killed 100 terrorists, detained 50, and dismantled a large terrorist group
Battle of Haifa Street 20070106 20070109 Baghdad, Haifa Street Battle: Was a battle fought over three days for the control of Haifa Street, a two-mile (3 km)-long street in downtown Baghdad, between American and Iraqi Army forces and various insurgent forces
Operation Turki Bowl II 20070108 20070108 Balaruz Counterinsurgency:
Operation Machete Harvest 20070110 20070111 Yusufiyah Counterinsurgency: To deny anti-Iraq forces a safe haven in the area
Operation Koa Canyon (Wadi Aljundi) 20070114 20070127 along the Euphrates River Counterinsurgency: An effort to disrupt insurgent activity and to root out their weapons stores along the Euphrates River
Operation Howard 20070116 20070116 Risalah Iraqi army forces elements detained 19 men during operations to capture an illegal armed group leader allegedly responsible for coordinating violent attacks against Iraqi civilians and coalition forces
Operation Arbead II 20070118 20070118 Fallujah Counterinsurgency: To detain members of a murder and intimidation cell
Operation Northern Venture 2007021 20070121 Al Anbar Province Counterinsurgency: Marines from 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5, uncovered 14 large caches
Operation Warm-Up 20070122 20070122 Kawla and Darar Humanitarian: Distributed cloths, food, first aid kits and school supplies to children in Iraq
Operation Black Eagle II 20070123 20070123 Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: Soldiers detained three suspected terrorists for suspicious activity. Weapons found during the operation included two AK-47 bandoleers and two Katyusha rocket casings
Operation Eagle Claw XI 20070123 20070123 Mrbat Garhat Village near Kirkuk Counterinsurgency:
Operation Tomahawk Strike 11 20070124 20070124 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: A series of targeted raids to disrupt illegal militia activity and help restore Iraqi security force control in the area
Battle of Najaf (2007) 20070128 20070129 Zarqa, Najaf Governorate Counterinsurgency: Was a battle that was fought between U.S. and Iraqi forces, and the Islamist Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr
Operation New Day 20070129 20070129 the Al Warar District of Ar Ramadi Counterinsurgency: The joint force searched more than 50 homes in the area while detaining two suspected insurgents.
Operation SINBAD 20070206 20070206 Hay A'Tanumah, a number of locations on the eastern bank of the Shatt Al'Arab opposite the main town of Basra Counterinsurgency: Six people were detained during the operation and later released. A quantity of munitions were discovered and later disposed of by explosive experts
Law and Order(Fardh Al-Qanoon) 20070214 Ongoing An operation to secure the population of Baghdad by targeting al Qaeda, Sunni insurgent, and Shi'a extremist elements.|
Operation Wolverine Alesia 20070223 20070203 Yusufiyah Counterinsurgency: Discovered a weapons cache with a total of 1,129 mortar rounds uncovered
Operation Brown Hawk 20070225 20070225 Tahrir Counterinsurgency: To eliminate Tahrir as an operating base for improvised explosive device building cells and key leaders of the Al-Qaeda forces in Iraq.
Operation Saber Boss 20070226 20070226 Muqdadiya Counterinsurgency: Seized four weapons caches, killed approximately 10 insurgents and detained five suspected terrorists
Operation Ranger Dominance 200703?? 200703?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The first step in their portion of the Baghdad Security Plan
Operation Agave L 20070304 20070304
Operation Tomahawk Strike 12 20070304 20070304 Baghdad’s Sadr City Counterinsurgency: A combined clearance of Sadr City to set secure conditions and identify and destroy militant threats and safe houses in the area in preparation of the establishment of a District Joint Security Station.
Operation Phoenix 20070305 20070305 Basrah City Counterinsurgency: A short-notice, reactive strike operation launched on a building west of the Al Jameat district of the city as a direct result of information gained after an attack made on a Multi National Forces base
Operation Dragon Surge 20070317 20070317 Baghdad Forward Presence and Security: To establish a presence within the city to

deter the sectarian violence against the Iraqi population from insurgents and establish a footprint of Coalition Forces

Operation Arrowhead Strike 9 20070320 200704?? Baghdad, west-central Mansour security district Counterinsurgency: Succeeded in preventing 3,200 roadside bombs, jailing 42 terrorists, and seizing enough weapons and explosives to outfit an enemy infantry battalion
Operation Enduring Education 20070325 20070401 throughout Iraq Humanitarian: To fill the shelves of schools with necessary tools to build the foundation of a solid education
Operation Regular Justice 20070405 20070405 Diyala Province
Operation Valiant Guardian (Harris Ba’sil) 20070405 20070520 outside of the major cities of the Euphrates River valley in western al Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Eight weeks of interdicting and disrupting enemy routes and safe havens
Operation Black Eagle 20070406 20070406 Diwaniya Counterinsurgency: U.S. troops battled gunmen loyal to anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the town of Diwaniya for control of the city
Operation Black Eagle City 20070411 200704?? Diwaniya Humanitarian: Was a follow-on operation to Operation Black Eagle designed to rebuild the city and provide humanitarian aid to the people most affected by the recent militia violence
Operation Dixon 20070412 20070412 Baghdad, eastern portion Security and counterinsurgency: Was aimed at disrupting car bomb networks operating in the area and gaining additional information and intelligence on those networks.
Operation Yukon River 20070412 20070412 Adwaniyah Security: A joint effort that established security in the southeastern portion of Baghdad
Operation Eagle Lightning 20070416 20070416 Baghdad, just south in the Shaka area Counterinsurgency: Detained 33 suspected terrorists, discovered 6 weapons caches and 5 bombs
Operation School Supplies 20070418 20070418 throughout Iraq Humanitarian: Is a program where school supplies are donated to local Iraqi students who wouldn't otherwise have what's needed for a good education
Operation Commando Dive 20070421 20070421 Baghdad, just south of, in the Shubayshen area Counterinsurgency: Led to the detentions of almost 50 individuals and a number of cache finds
Operation Eagle Dive I 20070421 20070421 Baghdad, just south in the Shubayshen area Counterinsurgency: The effort netted 33 detainees, most suspected of building and planting bombs
Operation Polar Dive 20070421 20070421 the Shubayshen area, just south of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Detained three suspected terrorists and found a cache of bomb-making materials including wire, black powder, explosives manuals in English and Arabic, and chemistry textbooks
Operation Trident IV 20070421 20070421 the Shubayshen area, just south of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Detained six terror suspects and found a small weapons cache containing small arms and ammunition as well as 300 pounds of homemade explosive material and ball bearings for use in bombs
Operation Chalons 20070423 20070423 Security: The cordon and search mission was conducted in an effort to secure a suspected Anti-Iraqi Forces weapons cache located in 3rd HBCT’s operating area
Battle of Bismarck 20070423 20070424 Contact between Australian forces from Overwatch Battle Group (West) (OBGW-2) and insurgents
Operation Eagle Dive II 20070426 20070426 Lutifiyah Counterinsurgency: An operation intended to deny planned attacks on Patrol Base Lutifiyah.
Operation Forsythe Park 20070428 20070428 Ramadi Counterinsurgency: Found numerous weapons and weapons caches
Operation Polar Scrum 20070501 20070501 Yusufiyah Counterinsurgency: Resulted in 85 terror suspects detained and an improvised explosive device found during the all-day mission
Operation Rat Trap 20070501 20070501 Adhamiya Counterinsurgency: Among those killed during the operation was Muharib Abdul Latif, the Senior Minister of Information of al-Qaeda-in-Iraq
Operation Eagle Thunder III 20070502 20070503 Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: Soldiers found a weapons cache in the reed lines that consisted of homemade grenades
Operation Dragon Fire 20070505 20070506 Baghdad, the East Rashid security district Counterinsurgency and law enforcement: To rid the Rashid District of terrorists and criminals and to protect the population
Operation Beach Yellow 20070514 20070514 Dura-iya Security: Patrolled in search of terrorists and terrorist activity
Operation Southern Scimitar 20070519 2007???? Rutbah Counterinsurgency: To sweep and clear their area of insurgent activity
Operation Valdez 20070519 20070519 Uybeaydat, south of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: A mission to search for illegal weapons, explosives and high value targets in the southern town
Operation Dragon Fire East 20070526 200705?? Baghdad, the East Rashid security district Counterinsurgency: Detained 3 suspected insurgents and found 2 weapons caches
Operation Red Eagle 20070526 20070526 Adhamiyah District Counterinsurgency: To disrupt insurgent activity in the Suleikh neighborhood
Operation Safe Neighborhood 20070528 20070528 Security: To make neighborhoods, markets, areas of congestion safer for the Iraqis
Operation Vipers Bite 20070530 20070530 the Al Izza district of Al Kut Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the detainment of 13 people suspected of insurgent activities
Operation Alljah 200706?? 200706?? Fallujah Security: Was designed to turn Fallujah over to local Iraqi law enforcement by dividing the city up into manageable sections
Operation Safety and Security (Fahrad Al Amin) 200706?? 200706?? Counterinsurgency: To make sure al Qaeda and the insurgents have no safe sanctuary where they can rest, refit, stage, and plan for attacks
Operation Northern Forge 200706?? 20070607
Operation Northern Fury 200706?? 200706??
Operation Cave Dweller 20070601 Ongoing western Euphrates River valley Security and Reconnaissance: US Marines searched and mapped all caves they found
Operation Eagle Sweep 20070601 20070601 Lutifiyah, northeast of, near the Karkh Oil Facility Counterinsurgency: The searches resulted in four military-aged males being questioned, one of whom was a wanted insurgent
Operation Falkirk 20070601 20070601 Counterinsurgency: To locate and detain suspected terrorists in Balad with ties to the kidnapping of two U.S. Soldiers taken captive. Resulted in a sustained firefight between the insurgents and US and Iraqi Special forces. Several women and children who had been hostage for more than a month were also freed.
Operation Hermes 20070603 20070603 Radwaniyah Counterinsurgency: One of the homes had an SA-7 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile system, and two men were detained and taken for questioning about the weapon.
Operation Polar Charade 20070603 20070603 southwest of Rushdi Mullah Security and Counterinsurgency: Search for 2 missing Soldiers who were abducted May 12 in Quarghulli Village
Operation Brutus 20070604 20070604 Iskandariyhya Counterinsurgency: Was an air assault mission focused on capturing or denying enemy sanctuary in the area
Operation Tiger Hammer 20070607 20070607 Baghdad, the Adhamiyah District Counterinsurgency: The four-hour operation netted nine detainees and 38 illegal weapons
Operation Northwestern Shoulder 20070612 20070612 Sagrah, Hosfa and Zawiyah Counterinsurgency and Humanitarian: Detained 10 Iraqis, searched for weapons and insurgent activity and performed several humanitarian projects
Operation Eagle Talon 20070613 20070613 Rusafa Counterinsurgency: Recovered three AK-47 magazines, one shotgun and one chemical protective mask
Operation Phantom Thunder 20070616 Ongoing Throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: An operation designed to defeat extremists in Iraq
Operation Marne Torch 20070616 Ongoing Baghdad Security: Focused on the security belts surrounding Baghdad
Operation Nijmegen 20070616 20070616 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Netted a cell leader with ties to persons of interest in the area southwest of the city.
Operation Ardennes 20070617 20070617 Muwayllihah Counterinsurgency: Yielded two suspected insurgents wanted for their potential involvement in targeting Iraqi and Coalition Forces with bombs and for their involvement in sectarian violence
Operation Chosin 20070617 20070617 Dura’iya Counterinsurgency: To disrupt key insurgent networks from freedom of maneuver in the battalion’s area of operation.
Operation Destroyer Strike 20070617 20070617 Tuwaitha, near Counterinsurgency: Coalition forces seized multiple weapons caches
Operation Chicken Coup 20070617 20070617 Route Bismark, Iraq Counterinsurgency:
Operation Castine 20070618 20070618 Adhamiyah Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the capture of three suspects caught with materials used in the manufacture of car bombs
Operation Arrowhead Ripper 20070619 20070619 Baqouba and its surrounding areas Counterinsurgency: A large-scale effort to eliminate al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists
Operation Commando Eagle 20070621 Ongoing Baghdad, southwest of Counterinsurgency: Targeted a series of houses which local citizens indicated were being used by al-Qaeda cells to intimidate them and launch attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces
Operation Chicken Coup II 20070612 20070612 Route Bismark, Iraq Counterinsurgency:
Operation Sledgehammer (2007) 20070622 20070622 Jabella
Operation Peregrine II 20070623 20070623 Mahmudiyah, a village outside Counterinsurgency: Captured five members of an insurgent cell in north Babil
Operation Crazyhorse Thunder 20070623 20070623 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Seven suspects were detained for allegedly planting bombs along Route Tampa, the highway leading into Baghdad
Operation Blore Heath II 20070624 20070624 Al Dura’iya Counterinsurgency: Cleared insurgent caches south of Salman Pak and southeast of Baghdad
Operation Bullrun 20070624 20070624 Al Dura’iya Counterinsurgency: Part of Operation Marne Torch, the latest Coalition Force initiative to eliminate insurgent sanctuaries southeast of Baghdad
Operation Cobra Strike (2007) 20070625 20070628 Tibaj Security: To establish a permanent combat outpost along with check points
Operation Council Grove II 20070625 20070625 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Detained six insurgents
Operation Golden Eagle II 20070627 20070627 Lutifiyah and Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was an early morning ground assault to prevent insurgents from creating a base of operations north of Lutifiyah
Operation Eagle Venture IV 20070629 20070630 between Mahmudiyah and Yusifiyah Counterinsurgency: detained nine suspected insurgents while constructing a battle position
Battle of Donkey Island 20070630 20070630 outside Ramadi Routine reconnaissance detects impending assault on Ramadi by 40 - 70 insurgents. US forces annihilate the insurgent force
Operation Eagles 200707?? 200707??
Operation Guardian Torch 200707?? 200707?? Arab Jabour Counterinsurgency: Was designed to clear the area of al Qaeda and other insurgent forces
Operation Geronimo Strike II 200707?? 200707??
Operation Justice Reach 200707?? 200707??
Operation Nijemgen II 200707?? 200707??
Operation Patriot Strike 200707?? 200707??
Operation Dragon Hammer 20070701 20070701 Baghdad, Rashid District Counterinsurgency: Baghdad troops detained more than 100 suspected insurgents and seized more than 200 weapons caches.
Operation Geronimo Strike 20070703 20070703 Kalsu’s Fish Farms area Counterinsurgency: Conducted to prevent insurgency operations and attacks
Operation Four Brothers 20070706 20070706 Arab Jabour Counterinsurgency: Found money, weapons and detained numerous people for questioning
Operation Stampede 3 20070706, on or about 20070706, on or about Counterinsurgency: Found several weapons caches including more than 80 mortar rounds, 10 rockets, 15 pounds of plastic explosives, several artillery rounds, fuses, blasting caps and other components to be used to make bombs
Operation Grenada 20070707 20070707 Babel, Northern portion Counterinsurgency: Captured the ringleader of a cell responsible for conducting rocket and improvised explosive device attacks on the people and security forces of North Babil
Operation Safe Teach 20070707 20070707 Jisr Diyala Security Operation: Task Force Marne Soldiers teamed with Iraqi Security Forces to provide security for Iraqi school children
Operation China Shop 20070623 20070630 North of Karmah Counterinsurgency: Conducted in order to clear insurgents and weapons caches north of Karmah and Fallujah in areas that were previously unoccupied by Coalition Forces.
Operation China Shop II 20070708 20070708 North of Karmah
Operation Eastern Fury 20070710 20070713 Fallujah
Operation Geronimo Strike III 20070710 20070713 Iskandariyah, northwest of Counterinsurgency: Conducted in order to capture members of an Al Qaeda cell wanted in connection with the kidnapping of three American Soldiers and other attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces
Operation Saber Guardian 20070710 20070711 Sherween Counterinsurgency: Resulted in 20 al-Qaida terrorists killed, 20 detained, and two weapons caches and 12 bombs discovered
Operation Leyte Gulf 20070711 20070711 Mahmudiyah, south of Counterinsurgency: A ring leader of a cell and 4 of his lieutenants responsible for conducting improvised explosive device attacks on the people and security forces of North Babil was captured
Operation Eagle Ares 20070712 20070712 Lutifiyah, east of Counterinsurgency: Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers nabbed 46 men suspected of involvement with al Qaeda affiliated terror networks
Operation Waterfront 20070713 20070713 Al Anbar Counterinsurgency:
Operation Polar Tempest 20070714 20070714 al-Owesat and al-Thobat, the villages near Counterinsurgency: Resulted in 12 men being detained for questioning on suspicion of terrorist activity.
Operation Bellicose Bastian 20070715 20070715 Counterinsurgency: Ten suspected insurgents were arrested
Operation Ithaca 20070715 20070715 Haimer, Abu Nasim, and Jamil, near the villages of Counterinsurgency: Resulted in 29 al-Qaida gunmen killed, 23 detained, eight hostages released, two weapons caches discovered and a safe house destroyed
Operation Mawtini 20070715 200707?? Al Anbar province, western portion Counterinsurgency: To neutralize any future attempts by insurgent Forces to re-establish a presence in key urban areas along the Euphrates River valley
Operation Punisher III 200708?? 200708?? Al Anbar province Counterinsurgency: Aimed at countering an insurgent surge of activity in the area, as well as disrupting the flow of weapons and other illegal items toward the urban areas. Was part of Operation Mawtini.
Operation Purple Haze 20070715 20070715 Baghdad, Jamiya’a neighborhood Counterinsurgency: Discovered two caches totaling approximately 700 lb of homemade explosives
Operation Marne Avalanche 20070716 Ongoing Baghdad Counterinsurgency: An offensive operation aimed at stopping southern Baghdad from being used as a safe haven and preventing the movement of weapons, munitions and insurgents into Baghdad
Operation Ameliyet 20070717 20070717 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: No weapons were found, but Soldiers and police officers learned there had been holes dug where weapons may have been stored previously
Operation Iraqi Home Protector 20070722 20070722 Riyadh Peacekeeping:
Operation Olympus 20070722 20070722 Anbakia Counterinsurgency: Opened routes and cleared insurgents
Operation Iraqi Heart 20070723 20070723 Amman, Jordan Humanitarian Operation: An Iraqi child received an operation in Amman, Jordan, to correct a heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot
Operation Rogue Thunder 20070724 20070724 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Outpost Established, Cache Discovered
Operation Iron Blitz 20070726 20070726 Baghdad, Northwest of Counterinsurgency: Captured 25 suspected insurgents
Operation Woodshed 20070726 20070726 Samood Village, an area near Turki Village Counterinsurgency: Killed 11 terrorists and detained 13 suspected terrorists
Operation Rogue Stomp 20070729 20070730 Baghdad, the Jamia Section Counterinsurgency:
Operation Pegasus Bridge 20070730 20070805 Al Anbar Province Counterinsurgency: Numerous weapons caches, one of which consisted of 11 tons of ammonium nitrate, are among operational highlights. Dozens of enemy munitions, homemade explosives (HME) and rigged-to-blow Bombs were also uncovered and destroyed in place.
Operation Jalil 20070731 200708?? Samarra Counterinsurgency: More than 80 suspected terrorists have been detained
Operation New Blue 200707?? 200707?? throughout Iraq Security: Put residents in police stations to guard their own communities
Operation Wickersham II 200708?? 200708?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Wickersham 20070801 20070802 Baqouba, south of Counterinsurgency: Was to clear an area used by al-Qaeda in Iraq to launch mortars into Baqouba. Named after the lead intelligence analyst for the Iraq Survey Group's Combined Media Processing Center, Adam Wickersham-US Army, who was injured in 2004 near Baqouba from a bomb.
Operation Winston-Salem 20070801 20070801 Baghdad, the Al Amin Section Counterinsurgency: Captured four suspected insurgents and recovered materials for making bombs
Operation Firecracker 20070807 200708?? the western Yarmouk neighborhood, Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The operation was launched to seek out a suspected bomb-cell in the area.
Operation Hoplite 20070804 20070807 Had Maksar Counterinsurgency: During the operation, two bombs were discovered in homes and destroyed; two weapons caches were discovered; four roadside bombs were discovered and reduced; and one al-Qaida vehicle was destroyed.
Operation William Wallace 20070808 20070808 Abu Tina Counterinsurgency: To destroy al-Qaeda elements in the Abu Tina area
Operation Banzeen 200708?? 200708?? Baghdad Law enforcement: An effort to stop anyone affiliated with illegal militias from taking gasoline and then selling it on the black market.
Operation Lightning Hammer 20070813 Ongoing Diyala River Valley Counterinsurgency: A large-scale offensive to defeat al-Qaeda and other terrorist cells seeking safe haven. Was part of Operation Phantom Strike.
Operation Phantom Strike 20070813 Ongoing throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: To eliminate remaining elements of AQI and other extremist groups, preventing them from causing further terrorism and inciting sectarian violence. Additionally, it will intensify pressure on extremist networks across the entire theater.
Operation Police Victory 2007 2007 Objective:to force Al-Qaeda out of the town hit.The operation was completed by Master sergant Martin Moore and the 5th Special Forces group.
Operation Pericles 20070815 20070815 Diyala River province Counterinsurgency: The object of the operations was to sweep insurgents from the villages and palm groves of the province.
Operation Snake River 20070815 20070815 Hawr Rajab region Counterinsurgency:
Operation Marne Husky 20070816 20070916 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: An aviation-based combat offensive targeting Sunni and Shiia military safe havens and weapons smugglers in the southern belts of Baghdad. The 3,900 U.S. troops in the area are focusing on choking the flow of Iranian-supplied bombs and weapons reaching the capital city.
Operation Chesterfield 20070816 20070816 New Baghdad District Counterinsurgency: Captured one suspected insurgent and recovered a weapons cache including recovering two AK-47s, two pistols and 900,000 Iraqi dinar.
Operation Little Man Brief 20070817 20070817 Baghdad Counterinsurgency:
Operation Dragon Fox 200708?? 200708?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Found several Weapons caches
Operation Crimson Shogun 20070820 20070820 the Owesat and Fetoah areas, along the Euphrates River Counterinsurgency: Thirteen men were detained for further questioning, one of whom was on the battalion’s list of persons of interest. His brother was also detained, and was found by the Soldiers of Company A disguised as a pregnant woman in an attempt to avoid capture.
Operation Nijmegen II 20070823 20070823 Diyarah, north of Counterinsurgency: 16 suspected members of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device cell, with suspected links to al-Qaeda, were detained.
Operation Alabama 20070823 20070823 near Baghdad ? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Alaska 20070824 20070825 near Baghdad ? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Falcon Fury II 200708?? 200708?? Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Was an air assault mission conducted in support of Operation Marne Husky
Battle of Karbala 20070827 200708?? Karbala Battle:
Operation Combined Justice 200708?? 200708?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Powerline 20070825 20070825 throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: An operation to survey Iraq for downed power lines and watching for anyone violating the stand-off distance laws.
Operation Church 20070827 20070827 Gobia Counterinsurgency: Netted several detainees, three caches containing 150 lb of home-made explosives, two 130 mm rounds, a ZU-23 with 2,000 rounds, a rocket-propelled grenade with eight rounds, a PKC, and seven AK-47s.
Operation Gecko 20070828 20070828 Jurf as Sakhr Counterinsurgency: Tips from concerned citizens led Iraqi Coalition Forces to identify and destroy an enemy safehouse and discover a weapons cache.
Operation Street Sweeper II 20070928 20070830 Habbaniyah, outside of Counterinsurgency: To rid the area of insurgents and their deadly tools.
Operation Eagle Chickmauga 20070901 20070901 Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: 16 suspected insurgents were detained.
Operation Hit and Run 20070901 20070901 near Hawr Rajab Counterinsurgency: Detained eight suspected al-Qaeda members and confiscated four AK-47 assault rifles
Operation Comanche Swarm III 20070902 20070902 Baghdad, East of Counterinsurgency: Detained three people and seized a large cache of weapons
Operation Gator Inn 20070902 20070902 near Patrol Base Murray Counterinsurgency: Discovered a weapons cache containing three AK-47 assault rifles, 14 mortar primers, six magazine carriers and 24 magazines.
Operation K 20070902 20070902 Baghdad, East of Counterinsurgency:
Operation Black Shark 20070903 20070903 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The operation, carried out by Soldiers of Company D, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, was part of the continuous effort to sweep out insurgent strongholds. Soldiers also recovered two AK-47 assault rifles, one magazine and 707,000 Iraqi dinar, equal to about $600.
Operation Lightning Hammer II 20070905 20070905 throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: Search for alqaeda members throughout Iraq.
Operation Tuwaitha Sunrise 200709?? 200709?? Tuwaitha, southeast of Baghdad Counterinsurgency: To rid a major road of Bombs
Operation Wickersham III 20070905 20070905 Diyala province Counterinsurgency: The operation, designed to remove al-Qaeda influence south of Buhriz, resulted in the discovery of three weapons caches and five bombs. Four detainees were located in the vicinity of a cache and were transferred to a facility for further questioning.
Operation Justice League 20070906 20070906 Khan Bani Sa'ad Counterinsurgency: To drive Al-Qaeda out of the area.
Operation Rock Hammer 20070907 20070907 Baqouba, South of Counterinsurgency: Was conducted in farmland and palm groves on the Diyala River, resulted in the discovery of 11 al Qaeda in Iraq weapons caches.
Operation Falcon Fury 20070910 20070910 Baghdad, south of Counterinsurgency: Was an air assault mission that yielded three suspected militants who were detained after they were discovered with explosives.
Operation Tacoma III 20070910 20070910 New Baghdad Counterinsurgency: The operation, carried out by Soldiers of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, resulted in the recovery of two explosively formed penetrators, eight hand grenades, one rocket, 218 rounds of ammunition, three mortars and three rolls of wire.
Operation Greywolf Hammer II 2007???? 2007???? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Gun Barrel City 2007???? 2007???? Counterinsurgency:
Operation California 20070912 20070912 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency:
Operation Viking Clampdown III 20070915 20070915 Counterinsurgency:
Operation Arizona 20070915 20070915 Counterinsurgency:
Operation Dragon Talon II 20070917 20070917 Baghdad Counterinsurgency: Captured 2 individuals suspected of anti-Coalition activities and the confiscation of several weapons caches.
Operation Marne Torch II 200709?? 200709?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Bethel 20070919 20070919 Hawr Rajab Counterinsurgency: Detained insurgent suspects and destroyed weapons
Operation Lions Paw 200709?? 200709?? throughout Iraq Humanitarian: The release of 50 to 75 Iraqi detainies each day during Ramadan
Operation Viking Snatch 20070920 20070920 Sheik Hammad Village, near Counterinsurgency: A weapons smuggler was detained and a cache of weapons was discovered containing two AK-47s, four magazines and two pistols with two magazines
Operation Gecko III A 20070921 20070921 Jurf As Sukhr Counterinsurgency: A weapons cache was also discovered during the operation which contained two hand grenades, one 105mm artillery round, one 81mm mortar round, one PKC machine gun, one Dragunov sniper rifle, one DISHKA heavy machine gun, three AK-47 assault rifles, two ammunition vests and other paraphernalia. The cache was destroyed on the scene.
Operation Bear 20070929 20070929 Baqouba Counterinsurgency: An operation designed to look for weapons caches and insurgents.
Operation Gold Digger 20070929 20070929 Sheik Jamil Counterinsurgency: Searched for weapons caches.
Operation Anchorage 20070930 20070930 east of FOB Falcon Counterinsurgency: Discovered weapons and detained several suspected insurgents
Operation Hawaii II 20071003 20071004 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches.
Operation Rock Drill 20071005 20071005 Muradiyah Counterinsurgency: Discovered a large weapons cache in the village cemetery and detained two men.
Operation Eagle Shiloh III 20071006 20071006 Said Abdulla Corridor, west of Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: Detained 17 suspected insurgents.
Operation Elfin Cove 200710?? 200710?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Belleau Wood 200710?? 200710?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Bell Hurriyah (Enjoy Freedom) 200710?? 200710?? Counterinsurgency:
Operation Gecko IIIB 200710?? 200710?? throughout Iraq Counterinsurgency: Search for weapons caches and suspected insurgents.
Operation Bone Breaker 20071015 20071015 southeast Baqouba Counterinsurgency: Captured one large weapons cache containing assorted weapons and ammunition, as well as two smaller caches containing home-made explosives.
Operation Ohio II 20071017 20071017 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches. Some 60mm and 120mm Mortar rounds were found and destroyed by bomb teams.
Operation Kentucky 20071020 20071020 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches.
Operation Hawaii III 20071023 20071024 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches.
Operation Montana II 20071112 20071113 Near Mahmudiyah Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches with Iraqi Forces.
Operation Iron Reaper 20071127 200712?? Northern Iraq Counter Insurgency:To pursue al-Qaeda in Iraq and extremist elements from the region.


Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Oklahoma 20080108 20080209 Near Mahmudiyah? clearing houses.
Operation Marne Thunderbolt 200801?? 20080215 southeast of Baghdad Security:Focused on pursuing the enemy and clearing al-Qaeda safe havens. Transitioned to Operation Marne Grand Slam in February 2008.
Operation Rock Reaper 200801?? 2008???? west of Baquba, Iraq Counter Insurgency: Effort to clear Al-Queda strongholds
Operation Phantom Phoenix 20080108 Ongoing southeast of Baghdad, Northern Iraq Security:Focused on pursuing the enemy and clearing al-Qaeda safe havens
Operation Raider Harvest 20080108 Ongoing southeast of Baghdad, Northern Iraq Security: A sub operation of Operation Iron Harvest.
Operation Iron Harvest 20080109 Ongoing Northern Iraq Counter Insurgency: To pursue al-Qaeda in Iraq and extremist elements from the region. A sub operation of the corps-level offensive Operation Phantom Phoenix
Operation Marne Grand Slam 20080215 20080315 southeast of Baghdad Security:Focused on pursuing the enemy and clearing al-Qaeda safe havens. Transitioned to Operation Marne Rugged in March 2008.
Operation Marne Rugged 20080315 Ongoing southeast of Baghdad Security:Focused on pursuing the enemy and clearing al-Qaeda safe havens.
Operation Sawlat al-Fursan (Charge of the Knights) 20080324 Ongoing al Qurnah, Iraq Counter Insurgency:Targeting criminal elements by the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Security Forces
Operation Estonia 20080329 20080330 the cities of Hamza and Hashmiyah, Iraq Counter Insurgency:detained numerous criminals and found two caches
Operation Manchu Harvest III (Salah ad Din) 20080404 2008???? Salah ad Din Province, Iraq Counter Insurgency: discovered a large weapons cache
Operation Marne Piledriver 20080415 2008???? the Mahmudiyah area Peacekeeping and Counterinsurgency:will continue efforts to root out insurgency and stimulate economic growth and development throughout the Mahmudiyah Qada
Operation Restore Peace VI 20080518 20080518 Forward Operating Base McHenry, Iraq Counter Insurgency:To reconcile with combatants. Reported a 90% drop in violence in certain areas.
Operation Lions Roar 20080519 20080519 the Younis al-Sabawi neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq Counter Insurgency:Discovered a cache consisted of more than 100 mortar rounds, more than 100 mortar fuses, two mortar tubes, two mortar bipods, one suicide vest, two rockets and eight mines.
Operation Balad Musalahah[15] 20080522 2008???? Balad area Counter Insurgency:Allowing reconciliation of insurgents.
Operation Siegfried Line[16] 20080524 20080524 southern Baghdad, Iraq Counter Insurgency:detained numerous suspected criminals in the Bayaa community
Operation Gravel Dump[17] 20080528 20080528 Karma,Iraq Counter Insurgency: Joint USMC/Iraqi Army search of gravel trucks for smuggled weapons.
Operation Spring Break[18] 200805?? 200805?? Lake Tharthar, Iraq Counter Insurgency: 4 day joint operation between U.S. Marines and Iraqi Army scouts.
Operation al Salam, (Peace)[19] 20080520 Ongoing Sadr City, Iraq Counter Insurgency:
Operation Lion Hunt[20] 20080606 20080606 Ninewah province, Iraq Counter Insurgency:the first unilateral Iraqi-led aerial operation conducted by the 11th brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army division.
Operation New Town[21] 20080610 20080610 Shakriyah,Iraq Counter Insurgency:an air assault census mission conducted by the 22nd brigade, 6th Iraqi Army division
Operation Iron Roundup II[22] 2008???? 20080706 provinces north of Baghdad—Diyala, Salah ad Din, Kirkuk and Ninewa Counter Insurgency:discovered weapons caches and detained three suspected terrorists
Operation Lions Paw[23] 2008???? 2008???? throughout Iraq Counter Insurgency:During the Ramadan month, between fifty and seventy Iraqis will be released from U.S. detention centers in Iraq each day
Operation Eagle North[24] 20080808 20080808 Abu Osage Village of the Sa’id Abdullah Corridor Counter Insurgency:to find and detain suspected criminals throughout the area
Operation Monmouth[25] 20080827 20080827 Habbash Village Counter Insurgency:search for weapon caches and suspected criminals
Operation Viper Pursuit[26] 20080801 20080830 the Sulayman Bak area Counter Insurgency:to search for insurgent activity


Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation Iron Gator[27] 20090114 2009???? Salman Pak Security and Humanitarian:A series of ground breaking projects totaling $2 million to improve the security and infrastructure of Salman Pak, southeast of Baghdad.
Operation Goodwill[28] 20090123 2009???? Maysan province Humanitarian:distribution of food, toys and medical supplies to poor Iraqis in the rural villages of Maysan province, to include the villages of Amarah and Abu Romanah.
Operation Wolf Pursuit[29] 200902?? Ongoing Diyala Province Operation Wolf Pursuit was a joint US and Iraqi operation aimed at targeting insurgents in rural areas of Diyala Province, and the rural southern area of Balad Ruz specifically. Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces intended to enter rural areas, clear them of insurgents, and then build combat outposts to maintain security and oversee the development of the rural areas.
Operation New Hope[30] 20090221 Ongoing Mosul Operation New Hope was a military offensive with joint US and Iraqi participation that began on February 21, 2009. The operation's objective was to degrade Al-Qaeda in Iraq's capabilities in Mosul, the capital of the northern province of Ninewah. It also intended to follow up on arrest warrants, carry out search-and-raid operations in parts of Mosul, and reinforce the presence of security forces. In the first evening hours of the offensive, 84 suspects were arrested on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.
Operation Ninewa Resolve[31] 20090414 Ongoing Neighborhoods in Ninewa Operation Ninewa Resolve is a subset of Operation New Hope. As part of the operation, Coalition and Iraqi forces partner to clear insurgents from neighborhoods in Ninewa's capital city of Mosul. After the neighborhood is cleared, a holding force is put into place to prevent the return of insurgents. Once the neighborhood is secured, the holding force begins quick-impact projects to employ Iraqis and spur economic development and reconstruction.
Operation Glad Tidings of Benevolence II[32] 2009???? 2009???? The operation has consisted of clearing areas in search of weapons caches, checking identification for known criminals and bringing humanitarian assistance to local communities.
Operation Legion Pursuit II[33] 2009 2009 Diyala Province The top three key tasks of Legion Pursuit II were to project and sustain Iraqi Security and Coalition forces in the villages of Abu Bakr and Abu Awad, Diyala Province, Iraq and to conduct a detailed census of the towns and to provide humanitarian assistance in order to bolster ISF and local national relations.


Battle/Operation Name From Date To Date Location Purpose/Result
Operation New Dawn 2010 Ongoing Iraq The continuing operation to stabilize Iraq. Name change is meant to signal the change of mission for U.S. forces in Iraq.
Battle of the Palm Grove 9-9-2010 9-12-2010 Hudaidy, Diyala, Iraq Iraqi police and army supported by American Trainers engaged in a 3 day indecisive engagement with insurgents.

See also

Iraq portal
Military of the United States portal
War portal


  1. ^ John Pike. "Attacking Iraq - Operation Sidewinder". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  2. ^ Operation tapeworm: task force Battle Force helps take down Uday, Qusay Hussein, Infantry Magazine, November–December 2005
  3. ^ John Pike (2003-11-06). "Operation All American Tiger". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  4. ^ John Pike (2003-12-15). "Operation Panther Backroads". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  5. ^ John Pike (2003-12-17). "Operation Arrowhead Blizzard". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  6. ^ John Pike (2003-12-18). "Operation Iron Justice". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  7. ^ John Pike. "Operation Rifles Fury". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  8. ^ John Pike. "Operation Devil Siphon". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  9. ^ [1]
  10. ^ John Pike (2004-03-03). "Operation Warrior". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  11. ^ John Pike. "Operation Spring Clean-up". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  12. ^ "Shiite militia briefly seizes Iraqi city". MSNBC. 2006-10-20. 
  13. ^ "Bombs, mortars in Shiite slum kill at least 161". MSNBC. 2006-11-23. 
  14. ^ "Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq". BBC. 2006-12-30. 
  15. ^ "DefenseLink News Article: Hundreds of Former Iraqi Insurgents Reconcile With Government". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  16. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  17. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  18. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  19. ^ Gordon, Michael R.; Farrell, Stephen (2008-05-21). "Iraqi Troops Take Charge of Sadr City in Swift Push". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-05-08. 
  20. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  21. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  22. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  23. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  24. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  25. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  26. ^ "". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  27. ^ 1st Armored Division commander announces operation,, Retrieved on 12 February 2009
  28. ^ Operation Goodwill Aids Iraqis in Maysan, MNF-I, Retrieved 12 February 2009
  29. ^ OPERATIONS: Operation Wolf Pursuit, Institute for the study of War, Retrieved 03 Augustus 2011
  30. ^ OPERATIONS: OPERATION NEW HOPE (Mosul), Institute for the study of War, Retrieved 03 Augustus 2011
  31. ^ OPERATIONS: OPERATION Ninewa Resolve, Institute for the study of War, Retrieved 03 Augustus 2011
  32. ^ "Iraqi Forces making strong progress in major Diyala operation, Retrieved May 15, 2009". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  33. ^ John Pike (2009-04-02). "Iraqi Army, Coalition forces partner for Operation Legion Pursuit II". Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  34. ^ [2]

External articles

Maps of Iraq
Iraqi sources
  • Iraq Diaries -- Iraqis writing about their experiences of war.
  • The Ground Truth Project -- A series of exclusive, in-depth interviews with Iraqis, aid workers, military personnel and others who have spent significant time on-the-ground in Iraq.
  • What Iraqis Think -- A compilation of the latest polls and blogs coming out of Iraq.
  • Iraq documents on Weapons of Mass Destruction This is a U.S. military site containing approximately 1 million files captured from the Iraqi military in the aftermath of the invasion.

(additional links not found in Casualties links section)

Combat operations related
  • Electronic Iraq: Daily news and analysis from Iraq with a special focus on the Iraqi experience of war.
  • News from Iraq: Aggregated news on the war, including politics and economics.
  • The Struggle for Iraq: BBC Best Link: All the latest news, analysis and images from Iraq.
  • War in Iraq: CNN Special Report: This page was archived in May 2003 when President Bush declared an end to major combat. However, the coalition casualties' list continues to be updated.
  • Iraq: Transition of Power: CNN Special Report: Three years later, debate rages.